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Because of the relationship between the two people, the Dark Gold Flowing Sand River has gradually become lively before, and some warriors have looked sideways, moving towards Qin Yu and Fu Chao.

“Hehe, who is that person who dared to give tit for tat like Fu Chao, so courageous.”

“Who knows, I’m afraid where the unknown race came from. Even if there are 3 warriors in the 4th Layer Initial Stage, it is not as good as Fu Chao and the others.”

“Fu Chao has already enlisted more than 20 experts from the 4th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan, plus Fu Chao himself, this battle strength is placed here, even if it is not the strongest, few people dare to provoke it.”

“That’s right, with Fu Chao and the others’ current strength and background, even if he is an expert with the 4th Layer Middle Stage, he dare not easily offend Fu Chao, otherwise, it will cause big trouble.”

There was some uproar among the crowd. It was obvious that he was extremely jealous of Fu Chao and the others, and did not dare to offend easily.

They didn’t know where Qin Yu and the others came from, and they had never heard of Qin Yu’s name. Who gave Qin Yu such courage and asked Qin Yu to challenge Fu Chao.

Without even thinking about it, Qin Yu offends Fu Chao for fear that it will be a dead end.

And at this time, among the crowd, a few lines of sight moved towards Qin Yu came. The leader was Li Xun. The dark roulette above his left hand, the cold light, seemed to have been repaired.

Li Yan did not at all stand up, but smiled coldly, looking at Qin Yu, like that, like looking at a dead person.

“Li Yan, is he here?” Qin Yu murmured, somewhat surprised.

He defeated Li Xing at the exit of the ancient secret storehouse, and almost broke Li Xing’s dark roulette. Li Xing had a grudge against Qin Yu, but now he also met here, really enemies on a narrow road.

“Why, do you want to make a move too?” Qin Yu looked at Li Yan, indifferently said.

If the power dared to make another move, he wouldn’t mind letting Li Xie be ashamed here again and become his dead soul.

“Hehe, Qin Yu, you don’t want to arouse me here. Now you are no longer worthy of letting me take action, and speaking of which, I would also like to thank you. Without you, I would be impossible to advance to the 4th Layer Middle Stage .”

Li Yan sneered, the dark wheel in his hand turned slightly, releasing the powerful aura of the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Earthquan.

Qin Yu was a little surprised. This Li Xie was really a character. After being defeated by him, the cultivation base had a breakthrough and became an expert of the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Earthquan.

However, Qin Yu was only slightly surprised, and then ignored Li Xie. Taking Qin Yu’s current battle strength, the 4th Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan Realm can also fight hard.

“If you don’t make a move, then you just roll away and don’t get in the way here.” Qin Yu scolded coldly.

“Evil creature, you…”

Li Xie was agitated by Qin Yu’s words, and a look of anger appeared on his face, but immediately, his anger was suppressed, and he said with a smile in cold voice: “Hehe, I want to do something with me now. Afraid that you are not qualified, you should survive Fu Chao first.”

Although he was defeated by Qin Yu once, but now he is already the cultivation base of the 4th Layer Middle Stage. He disdains to start with Qin Yu for fear of losing his value.

Qin Yu was just laughed at this. He didn’t irritate Li Xie anymore, but refocused his attention on Fu Chao, lightly saying: “Fu Chao, I advise you to get out of here.”

“Oh, it seems that you are very confident, but you are just an ant, and you dare to pretend to be an elephant in front of me, so let me give you a chance. If you kneel down and beg for mercy, call me three grandfathers and follow my instructions. , I will let you and the trash behind you follow me and pass through this dark gold quicksand.”

Fu Chao disapproved of said with a sneer, cold light flashed in his eyes, releasing one after another killing intent.

“These 3 grandfathers, you should keep them. I don’t have your unfilial grandson.”

Qin Yu didn’t seem to see the killing intent in Fu Chao’s eyes, and casually said, like that, serene, so mad.

Acknowledge allegiance Fu Chao, also called Fu Chao 3 grandfather?

hehe, what a joke.

This is more than selling Qin Yu, shameless to the extreme.

Such a person, Qin Yu is too late to kill, how can he go to acknowledge allegiance, lose his dignity, called Fu Chao 3 grandfather.

“I knew that you, a beast, wouldn’t kneel, so I’m going to make you kneel today, but when the time comes you want to regret it, but it’s too late. After all, in this world, no Regret Medicine can let you you eat.”

Fu Chaohan said, slowly walking out of the crowd.

On him, the cultivation base of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm immediately bloomed, one after another terrifying cultivation base, spread out, and instantly enveloped most of the area.

When they felt Fu Chao’s formidable cultivation base, everyone hurriedly backed up, their eyes flashed with panic, and they dared not take a step forward.

“Boy, I’ll let you know now, who is not to be offended. If offended, the end will be extremely miserable.” Fu Chao let out a cold voice as a blue light cave passed by, forming a huge murderous intention.

At this moment when the blue light flashed, like a big sword, moved towards Qin Yu was killed, and the power was overbearing to the extreme.

“It’s over, Qin Yu annoyed Fu Chao, this time I must be killed.”

“Yes, according to Fu Chao’s current strength, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has stepped into the 4th Layer Middle Stage with one foot. Qin Yu is afraid that he is not Fu Chao’s opponent at all.”

“Fu Chao can let more than 20 martial artists of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm, acknowledge allegiance under his hand, respect him, and naturally have a strength that cannot be underestimated, but that idiot named Qin actually took the initiative to provoke the payment. Chao, hehe, wait a minute to see how he died.”

Everyone looked at the azure, the bright saber technique shaped like a big knife, each and everyone was shocked, thinking of the saber technique, they should not be able to resist it.

“Qin Yu, die for me!” Fu Chao said grimly.


Qin Yu sneered, the whole person burst out, the palm suddenly stretched out, the black light floated, directly moved towards the azure saber technique and grabbed it.

The azure saber technique fell on Qin Yu’s palm, and it was violent. However, Qin Yu only squeezed the azure saber technique slightly with his palm.


The azure saber technique turned into a little bit of blue light without warning, and dissipated between Heaven and Earth, and this scene completely shocked Fu Chao and couldn’t recover for a long time.

“How can it be?”

Fu Chao was shocked in his heart, saying that his full strength attack can easily tear the martial artist of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring Realm, but in the hands of Qin Yu, it is so impossible to withstand a single blow.

Shake the saber technique with bare hands!

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