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The people around all suddenly suck in a cold breath of air, their faces are full of look of shock, where their expressions are frozen, some not knowing what to do.

Qin Yu’s physique was so strong that he took Fu Chao’s azure killer empty-handed and completely crushed Fu Chao, which was far beyond their expectations.

However, Qin Yu was not touched by this scene at all, but felt that it should be so.

In the past few days, he has refined 7 furnaces of Heavenly Void Pills in total, and activated the pill thunder 7 times.

Under these 7 times of pill thunder, Qin Yu’s tempering physique, the third time, the tempering has reached the extreme.

Although Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art has not yet reached the realm of the 5th Layer Great Accomplishment, its hardness is several times harder than the low grade True Artifact, which is far from what everyone can imagine.

The fourth pill thunder did not cause any harm to Qin Yu at all. Qin Yu only needed a finger to disperse the pill thunder, which also made Qin Yu quite speechless and extremely disappointed.

The Dan Lei of this pseudo Grade 6 Medicine Pill is a bit worse after all, otherwise, Qin Yu’s Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, I am afraid that it has entered the great accomplishment realm long ago, and is even more powerful than it is now.

But it is true that Qin Yu’s current strength is completely enough to deal with Fu Chao, and it is not a problem to crush Fu Chao.

“Fu Chao, is this your strength? With this strength, you deserve to die?” Qin Yu said coldly.


Facing Qin Yu’s questioning, Fu Chao couldn’t speak at all. If he had expected Qin Yu to be so powerful, he wouldn’t be so boast shamelessly.

“Young Master Qin is forgiving, Young Master Qin is forgiving. I have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai. I don’t know the power of Young Master Qin. I damn, I damn.” Fu Chao hurriedly begged for mercy.

In the face of such a powerful Qin Yu, even if he did his best, he would not be able to break Qin Yu’s defenses, and there was no chance of defeating Qin Yu.

“Hehe, you are quite self-aware, knowing that you deserve to die, but you just said that in this world, there is no Regret Medicine for you to eat.”

Qin Yu sneered, killing intent and said: “Under normal circumstances, if you beg for mercy, I can bypass you, but you betray me first. You are shameless and shameless to the extreme. You must die here.”


a light shout, the black light in Qin Yu’s hand floats, grabbing Fu Chao’s neck, lifting Fu Chao in the air, gently pressing the palm of his hand, twisting Fu Chao’s neck, and killing him.

Killing Fu Chao by Qin Yu is like killing a trivial ant. You can trample him to death at will.

He took 2 Tianxu Pills, and his realm increased from the original 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage to 1 Heavenly Layer Peak, and also passed through Dan Lei tempering. If he couldn’t even do this, it would be a failure.


After killing Fu Chao, Qin Yu tore down Fu Chao’s storage bag and threw his body into the dark gold quicksand. In the blink of an eye, it was frozen into ice sculpture and then drowned in. .

In this way, the other people following Fu Chao backed back one after another, like a frightened bird, their faces full of fear.

“For you, I don’t have much interest, but I don’t know if Old Guy wants to train or not.”

Qin Yu said indifferently and set his eyes on Cang Ao’s body.

Cang Ao’s own strength is extremely powerful, so he doesn’t like these warriors who follow Fu Chao at all, but the discipline used to hone the sword Top Sect is too suitable.

“Training? Since Young Master Qin is interested, let’s give it a try first, so that I can show my achievements in the past few days.”

Cang Ao laughed and immediately understood what Qin Yu meant, and then turned and ordered: “Xu Ning, Hao Xueyao, you are divided into two groups. According to what I have taught you in the past few days, these 2 people will be siege.”


After hearing Cang Ao’s order, Hao Xueyao and Xu Ning immediately flew out, each led a team, like two large armies, divided more than 2 people into 2 pieces and surrounded them.

Seeing that Qin Yu didn’t make a move, but instead let the people under him make a move, there was a hint of confusion in everyone’s eyes, and they didn’t understand what Qin Yu was doing.

“What the hell is Qin Yu doing, letting his people take action, and the warriors of the 3 4th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm are not planning to take action yet. Is this trying to give the other party a chance?”

“He does have a lot of people, 41 people, but among these 41 people, there is no warrior of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan. There are more than 20 people from the other side, but they are all experts of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan. what.”

“Could it be that he wants to let his people courting death? But there is no need to worry about it.”

Everyone said with puzzled faces that they couldn’t be optimistic about Qin Yu’s move, the expression of doubt on his face.


Li Yan, who was in the distance, also sneered. If Qin Yu, together with Liu Shuanghan and the others took action, he would still have the power to fight against the experts of the Initial Stage of these more than 20 springs.

But Qin Yu, let a group of warriors from Earthquan 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage and Earthquan 3 Heavenly Layer Peak take action. This behavior is quite stupid.

“Hehe, open your dog’s eyes and see clearly, who is the idiot, the person trained by this Eminence is not as weak as you think.”

In the face of everyone’s doubts, Qin Yu did not answer, but Cang Ao was sneaked, confident and ordered: “4 Holy War formation, Vermilion Bird battle formation, formation.”

After receiving Cang Ao’s order, Hao Xueyao and Xu Ning took the lead in moving, and the power of 2 Heavenly Layer Peak in Earthquan Realm agitated and ranked ahead of the crowd, releasing a strong fighting intent.


The others followed behind the two people, arranged in a certain order, and displayed their cultivation bases, causing the entire team to instantly burst into an extremely fierce and violent atmosphere.

This violent breath evaporates and turns into red blood energy, like a raging fire, and the baleful qi is overwhelming. It dyes the sky on several people red.

It can be seen that two huge Vermilion Bird phantoms appeared on the sky, an invincible killing aura, hanging down from the sky, boundless killing intent, floating away.

“Vermilion Bird battlefield?”

Qin Yu looked at the two huge Vermilion Bird phantoms, and his eyes moved slightly.

That kind of breath is quite terrifying, even if he walks in, he is afraid that he will not be able to live out of it.

The bright red blood energy, shaped like a fiery fire like, burns the sky for a long time, and seems to melt the sky at any time. A wave of heat just spreads over the surface.

“This Formation is formed by a simulation of Ancient Divine Beast Vermilion Bird that burns vitality and blood. It is extremely powerful and extremely difficult to crack. Moreover, this formation has a huge advantage, that is, no matter what realm warrior, it can be displayed. Ao this person, the methods are indeed not weak.” Dragon Soul nodded said, affirmatively.

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