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The final competition of the 100 races is Scaling Heaven Stairs. By then, all powerhouses on the 100 races Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking will gather in 10000 ancient cities, including the top ten races.

The Tonggu dynasty that Qin Yu saw just now ranks more than 1300, and already has the existence of the 4th Layer Peak of the Earthquan. It is conceivable how powerful the race that ranks higher is.

“Yeah, let’s not say that the top ten races, even the 100th race, are afraid that they have the powerful existence of the 5th Layer Initial Stage and even the Middle Stage. They are my real enemies.” Qin Yu sighed deeply, under great pressure.

In front of these big enemies, Qin Yu wants to defeat him, and his strength needs to be improved a lot, and once again break through several realms, otherwise it is far from their opponent.

“Hehe, if you know it, it’s good, but you can rest assured that with your talent, you may not be able to defeat them.” Cang Ao laughed strangely and said confidently.

Along the way, he has seen Qin Yu grow too much, but he is full of confidence in Qin Yu. Even if Qin Yu can’t make it into the top ten, the top 100, he has achieved some achievements, which is quite good.

In the 100 races, there are a total of more than 10000 and more than 4000 races competing with each other. Qin Yu can lead the desert race, and it is quite out of the ordinary to defeat more than 1300 races like the Tonggu Dynasty.

If you get some more achievements and make it into the top 100, it will be enough for your ancestors. As for whether you can make the top 100 or the top ten, it depends on the specific good fortune.

Hearing what Cang Ao said, Qin Yu also became interested immediately, nodded with a smile, and then distributed the Tian Luo fruit he had obtained before.

Treasures such as Tianluoguo have the role of diligently cultivation base, not to mention, but also have the right and left to condense Spiritual Qi. If swallowed, it will not only increase the martial artist’s cultivation base, but also increase the battle strength.

For the martial artist, the more condensed and pure the Spiritual Qi is, the stronger the battle strength will be. This truth is similar to the heavenly demon of Qin Yu cultivation.

After distributing the Tianluo fruit, these days, everyone is on the road while moving towards 10000 ancient city, the speed is neither fast nor slow.

Qin Yu took out a tianluo fruit under Xue You’s transportation, but was completely trapped in the cultivation, and the aura on his body continued to increase.

A day later, Qin Yu adjusted his breath and state to Peak, then took out a Tianluo fruit, stuffed it into his mouth, and started chewing.

Tianluo fruit tastes extremely crisp, fragrant and delicious, and has a slight sweetness. After eating, it is not only wonderful and unparalleled, but also has a strong feeling of fullness.

“This taste is good. I hope that its medicinal power is not bad, so that my cultivation base can be improved.” Qin Yu said with a smile, and then urged the cultivation base to refining.

After the Tian Luo fruit was eaten, one after another delicate Spiritual Qi, was refined and traveled all over Qin Yu’s body, making Qin Yu suddenly pleasantly surprised.

These delicate Spiritual Qi can be transformed into the Spiritual Qi of the warrior without going through tempering, and there are not a few of them. After Qin Yu wandered around, they were incorporated into the dantian by Qin Yu.

With these delicate Spiritual Qi entering into it, the Spiritual Qi in Qin Yu dantian suddenly fills up a lot, and the breath has also improved one third.

In this situation, Qin Yu hurriedly took out some golden armored iron cow beef, swallowed it into the abdomen, cooperated with Tian Luo fruit refining, and refined the cultivation base.

This time, the golden armor iron cow beef that Qin Yu swallowed is no longer the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Earth Spring, but the golden armor iron cow beef of the 4th Layer Peak of the Earth Spring. It is extremely useful for warriors. .

Under the golden armored beef of Tianluoguo and the golden armor of the 4th Layer Peak of Diquan, the breath of Qin Yu is rising steadily. After 2 days, there will be a huge change.

As for the discipline of Sword Top Sect, driven by these two resources, some people have breakthroughs, and the lowest has become the expert of 2 Heavenly Layer Peak.

However, after the breakthrough, Qin Yu and everyone, instead of stopping at all, chose to continue cultivation, increasing cultivation base and battle strength.

After Qin Yu swallowed the third Tianluo fruit, Qin Yu’s cultivation base is already close to the 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, which is several times stronger than before.

Even if there is no real breakthrough, Qin Yu’s battle strength is greatly improved, which makes Qin Yu extremely satisfied.

“Although there is no breakthrough Heavenly Layer Middle Stage 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, the battle strength has also been greatly improved. Of course, this is the effect of Tian Luo Guo can purify the Spiritual Qi. I can just take this opportunity to cultivation the heavenly demon plate.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

The method of heavenly demon cultivation is to continuously purify the Spiritual Qi, and then compress the Spiritual Qi to form a powerful attack and kill ability, which is similar to the cultivation effect of Tian Luo Guo.

Qin Yu swallowed a full 3 Tianluo Fruits, and the Spiritual Qi is several times more refined. Now if you want to cultivation heavenly demon, you will have a lot of effort left.

“hong long long !”

Qin Yu began to try to condense the heavenly demon disk, the pure Spiritual Qi, rushing out of Qin Yu’s within the body, quickly condensed into a huge magic disk on the sky.

This magic disk is much stronger than before, and its color has gradually changed from gray to black, becoming more and more pure, and it exudes a strong pressure.

“When my condensed heavenly demon disk becomes completely black, then this heavenly demon disk will reach the 2nd Layer Perfection Realm, and the formidable power will be enhanced a lot.”

A hint of joy flashed in Qin Yu’s eyes and whispered.

In the next period of time, Qin Yu was in the cultivation heavenly demon plate. A few days later, he finally condensed the heavenly demon plate to the 2nd Layer Perfection Realm.

That incomparable gigantic, a huge magic disk covered in pitch black, exuded a terrifying coercion, and was several times more powerful than the angry golden armor iron bull in the Peak period.

After the heavenly demon plate reached the 2nd Layer Perfection Realm, Qin Yu also cultivated the Azure Dragon claws, making it a lot stronger. One claw is enough to crush the head of any 4th Layer Peak Demon Beast in the ground spring, and even more. Strong.

In the early morning of that day, the number of people on the road gradually increased, coming from all directions, and gradually forming a flow of people, which was extremely noisy.

There are more than 1000 people in this stream, and Qin Yu discovered that experts in the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Earthquan are everywhere, and there are nearly dozens of people in the 4th Layer Peak of the Earthquan.

The team that owns the 4th Layer Peak of Earthquan is at least one of more than 100 in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 1300 races. Qin Yu has only seen the Tonggu Dynasty before, which is extremely rare, but now there are dozens of them. A.

“This 10000 ancient city is out of the ordinary. Before entering it, I encountered dozens of races with more than 100 rankings in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 1000 races. If you enter the city, I am afraid that there will be more.” Qin Yu The eyes sink slightly.

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