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With Qin Yu’s current strength, he is not afraid of the experts of the 4th Layer Peak of the Spring Realm. However, this quantity has made Qin Yu a big jump and felt tremendous pressure.

Experts of the same realm are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Qin Yu does not think that these people are just like ancient sports.

In addition to races other than the 4th Layer Peak, Qin Yu also discovered 7 experts of the 8th Layer Initial Stage of the Spring Realm, which exudes extremely powerful pressure and majesty.

“Look at it, that is the powerhouse of the Xuyang clan, tsk tsk, they are a powerful race that ranks more than 850, my God.”

“It’s really the powerhouse of the Xuyang clan, and besides them, the powerhouse of the Qionghe clan has also come. These two races are incredible, and the latter is a powerful presence with two 2th Layer Initial Stages. Ranked more than 5.”

After seeing the powerful presence of the 5th Layer Initial Stage in the Spring Realm, a one after another uproar suddenly erupted in the crowd, and it suddenly became lively.

Qin Yu followed the noise of the crowd and saw a young man with dark skin and very strong body, full of extremely powerful power.

This young man is the leader of the Xuyang clan. Behind him is more than a dozen warriors of the Xuyang clan. Each of the Xuyang clan has a fiery red sun pattern, which is extremely visible.

But compared to the Xuyang clan, the experts of the Qionghe clan are more eye-catching. Behind their clan, there are a pair of huge meat wings, some are white as snow, some are extremely dark, and some are fiery- red.

This Qionghe clan is obviously different from the human martial artist, but is similar to the giant scorpion clan Qin Yu has encountered before.

Not only the Bloodline of Human Race, but also the Demon Beast Bloodline of the Qionghe clan flowed on them.

The fleshy wings behind him are the concrete manifestation of the Demon Beast Bloodline of the Qionghe clan, and it is also true that they have become extremely powerful. They are not weak in the top 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking.

In addition to the Qionghe clan, Qin Yu also found some other races. Although some have arms, they do not have hands. On the arms are a pair of huge tongs, which are extremely strong.

Also, it has a spider-like head, which is eloquent and can protrude spider silk to confront the enemy, and the cultivation base is not weak. Most of them are in the 4th Layer Peak of the ground spring.

Seeing this, the hearts of the sword Top Sect disciple were slightly stunned. What they had seen before was just one hair from nine oxen on the battlefield of the 100 races.

Nowadays, the strength of these people and the brand of fiercely are in the hearts of everyone, making everyone afraid to breathe out, and the atmosphere at the scene is extremely depressing.

These races all rushed up, moved towards the front rushing forward, and more than 2 meters in front, a huge ancient city outline, lying horizontally.

“10000 ancient city!”

After seeing the ancient city, Qin Yu couldn’t help but spit out three words, like a thousand-jun power, fiercely’s strikes in everyone’s hearts, making everyone tremble.

10000 ancient city incomparable gigantic, even if Qin Yu looked at it from 2000 metres away, he still couldn’t capture the entire outline of 10000 ancient city in his eyes, all he saw was its tip of the iceberg.

“Yes, the city in front is exactly 10000 ancient city, but if it is more accurate, it is only one of 10000% of 90 ancient city.”

Seeing everyone shocked, Cang Ao explained with a smile.

“One of 10000% of the 90 ancient city, what’s going on?” Qin Yu asked in surprise, with a face full of doubts.

Shouldn’t a city be complete? How can one of 90% say that?

And one of these 90% is too huge, it’s surprisingly big.

“Hehe, this is your first visit to the 10000 ancient city, and there is a lack of information before. I don’t know the huge size of this 10000 ancient city, which is reasonable. Let me explain to you.

Cang Ao smiled indifferently, and then explained: “This 10000 ancient city is the largest city on the battlefield of 100 races. The Ancient Era is also extremely prosperous, but it is not a whole, but is divided into 9 areas. , What we have in front of us is just the North City of 10000 ancient city Nine Great Areas.”

The 10000 areas of the 9 ancient city are divided according to the orientation of Heaven and Earth. The outer areas are constructed by 8 Small Accomplishments, namely East City, North City, West City, South City, Southeast City, Southwest City, Northeast City, Northwest City 8 Great City.

The 8 Great City, like 8 guards, are located in 10000 positions of the 8 ancient city, guarding the central core area of ​​the 10000 ancient city.

According to Cang Ao, this 10000 ancient city in Ancient Era is a super huge sect, powerful and unimaginable, so it has such a huge layout.

“There is such a thing!” Qin Yu was extremely shocked when he heard this.

A 10000 ancient city was constructed from 8 main cities guarding the city and the central area, and each of them was incomparable gigantic, which completely surpassed Qin Yu’s imagination.

“Hehe, this thing is indeed a bit unimaginable, but it is also unimaginable. This 10000 ancient city only has the Primordial Spirit that exists, which has caused us Old Guys to drop and become distracted.” Cang Ao said with a smile.

Qin Yu nodded, admit that Cang Ao is right.

What a powerful existence is Cang Ao’s body, not to mention the Earthquan Realm, even the Tianhe Realm may not be able to stop it.

However, a powerful existence like Cang Ao, at any cost, came down with a distraction, looking for the ancient demon soul Primordial Spirit.

It is conceivable that even in Ancient Era, this 10000 ancient city is extremely famous. There are countless powerful super experts, even stronger than Cang Ao’s ontology.

In the eyes of those experts, this 10000 ancient city is enough for them to live in.

“Let’s go, let’s go in too!” Qin Yu waved his hand, leading the discipline of the sword Top Sect, moved towards 10000 ancient city and rushed away.

As everyone approached, the north city of 10000 ancient city gradually became clear. The huge city gate of 100 meters or more, and the city of more than two hundred meters high, straddling everyone’s eyes. It is a real The Great Desolate beast.

Regarding this real Great Desolate beast, everyone can’t even see its full picture, and even after countless years, people can feel the huge pressure from the 10000 ancient city.

On the city of two hundred meters high, there are countless traces of swordsmen and soldiers, and the most eye-catching is a huge hand seal that surpasses everyone’s imagination.

This hand seal even surpassed the height of the 10000 ancient city city wall. A palm strikes above the 10000 ancient city, almost smashing the city wall. That shock was really unimaginable for everyone.

Even Cang Ao, the Old Guy, was stunned after seeing the huge hand seal. With a look of shock, he obviously couldn’t imagine how powerful the owner of that huge hand seal was. Caused such damage to 10000 ancient city.

However, Cang Ao’s attention had just been attracted by the huge hand seal, and it had not been more than 2 seconds before his face changed suddenly, and he looked towards the place where the city gate was.

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