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Qin Yu asked Mu Lingshan to arrange a room for Su Ranyue, took Su Ranyue down, and went to take a bath.

However, looking at Su Ranyue’s back, Cang Ao’s eyes sank slightly, and he opened the mouth and said in a low voice, “Young Master Qin, we just rescued this girl. It seems that we are a little nosy.”

“Do you mean Su Ranyue’s extremely obscure power within the body?” Qin Yu opened the mouth and said faintly.

Cang Ao turned his head, looked at Qin Yu with some surprise, and said curiously: “So, you also found the mysterious power of this girl within the body?”

Just now, Cang Ao just said casually, but like him, Qin Yu also saw the mysterious power contained in Su Ranyue within the body, which surprised Cang Ao with 10000 points.

Until now, Cang Ao believes that Qin Yu’s strength lies in its battle strength, innate talent, and decisive character. However, Qin Yu’s eyesight was so sharp, he didn’t expect.

The power of Su Ranyue within the body is extremely secretive. It seems that she has been sealed by some Formation, and the breath revealed is extremely weak.

Even if he was an Old Monster, he didn’t immediately notice it, but he noticed it accidentally later, but Qin Yu felt it too.

“Hehe, Old Guy, it’s been so long, you know me only a little, but you can’t be blamed.”

Qin Yu said with a smile, the secret in him is not little bit, Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul, and the existence of Dragon Soul. No one knows except Qin Yu alone.

Of course, Qin Yu is also impossible to tell anyone about this matter, even if Qin Yu’s parents are here, Qin Yu will not say it.

“Hehe, the old man really underestimated the Young Master Qin, but the secret of Young Master Qin is not the old man is not interested in knowing. Of course, he would not say it after asking Young Master Qin. It is better for Young Master Qin to talk about Su Ranyue and so on. What is going on with that mysterious power?” Cang Aohan said with a smile.

Although Cang Ao is curious about Qin Yu’s secrets, he avoids it with interest.

But what he was curious about was how much Qin Yu knew about Su Ranyue’s secret.

“Well, then I’ll talk about it and confirm it with you.”

Qin Yu is also welcome, smiled indifferently, and said: “According to my estimation, the mysterious power on Su Ranyue’s body is definitely not left by the powerhouse in the spring, but in the Tianhe, or even stronger.”

“However, this mysterious power is constrained by the Seal Formation. It is estimated that it will take a lot of work to untie the Seal Formation.”

“However, if the seal Formation is truly unlocked, Su Ranyue’s battle strength may be increased by several hundred times. At least on the battlefield of these 100 races, no one is Su Ranyue’s opponent.”

Listening to Qin Yu’s explanation, Cang Ao began to ponder, and then he couldn’t help being nodded, and said solemnly: “It is true that the little girl can barely enter the 5th Layer Middle Stage of the ground spring without undo seal, but if it is undo Seal, except for those Patrol Envoys on the battlefield of the 100 clan, no one is that girl’s opponent.”

“Patrol Envoy has a strong cultivation base. There is no doubt about this. But similarly, they can’t attack any discipline on the battlefield of the 100 races, which means that once the girl is undo sealed, it will be invincible to the youth of the 100 races.”

“And the reason why we can feel the mysterious power on that girl is because the seal is loose. If we don’t do anything, wait for Su Ranyue to untie a little seal, several members of the Linjiao tribe will violent death.”

What Cang Ao understands is almost the same as Qin Yu’s. Two aspects also confirm the power of Su Ranyue.

This is like, Su Ranyue is a sleeping ominous beast. When this ominous beast is asleep, you can do 100 insults and act wantonly, but when this ominous beast wakes up, it will be the end of destruction.

Qin Yu nodded, the facial expression grave got up. When he first saw Su Ranyue, he felt that Su Ranyue was out of the ordinary.

It seems that Su Ranyue indeed has a great secret in her body.

But Qin Yu didn’t want to explore this secret. As long as Su Ranyue was not an enemy of Qin Yu, Qin Yu didn’t need to care about these things, so this matter was turned over.

Immediately, Qin Yu picked up the storage bag on Jiao Qing and checked it carefully.

Jiaoqing killed more than 100 of the Xuyang tribe in the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 700 tribes, and obtained all the wealth of the Xuyang tribe, 30000 middle grade Spirit Stone, and countless treasures.

Moreover, Jiaoqing and the others are from the 100-clan Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, which ranks more than 300, and their background is not bad.

If you distribute all these things, the sword Top Sect disciple, everyone can get a lot of benefits, enough for them to cultivation for a few days.

After allocating treasures, Qin Yu returned to the room with an earth-yellow yellow paper in his hand.

This yellow paper is made of animal skins. According to its age, I am afraid it has been hundreds of years. It has a simple atmosphere.

On the yellow paper, a strange pattern of one after another black is depicted. This pattern seems to be a kind of seal, with a lot of Sword Intents sealed, made into sword charms, which can also be used to kill the enemy at critical moments.

Qin Yu’s finger, lightly placed a little on the sword charm, a blue light burst, the strange black pattern, as if it had encountered a nemesis, moved towards the edge of the yellow paper, 4 scattered away.


After the black lines disperse, the seal opens, and the masterpiece of cyan light burst out from the yellow paper and enveloped the one meter in front of Qin Yu.

In the blue light, Qin Yu saw a small azure sword about 3 inches long suspended in it, continuously rising and falling, exuding majestic Sword Intent and fierceness.

From the little azure sword, Qin Yu also felt a smell of danger. If it was against the enemy, accidentally, this azure sword might cause him huge damage.

However, what Qin Yu is most greedy for is not the formidable power of this small sword, but the powerful Sword Intent pervading this small sword, which is extremely sharp.

“I didn’t read it wrong as expected. This small sword does have a powerful Sword Intent. In this way, I can absorb it and let my own Sword Intent greatly increase.”

Qin Yu eyes shined, in his eyes, there is a look of excitement one after another.

Oh la la !

As Qin Yu recruited, the azure sword fell into Qin Yu’s hands, and the blue light enveloped Qin Yu’s hands, undulating one after another majestic coercion.

Qin Yu Niwan Palace moved, exuding the majestic Divine Sense, wrapped the small sword in it, and absorbed the refining.


One after another sword energy, being wrapped by Qin Yu’s Divine Sense, slowly experiencing it, Qin Yu’s complexion became more and more fierce, and his Sword Intent also fluctuated accordingly.

Qin Yu’s Sword Intent has reached about 70% of Third Realm’s free Sword Intent, which is extremely powerful. However, Qin Yu’s Sword Intent has now risen steadily.

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