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It can be seen that the small azure sword is continuously collapsed under Qin Yu’s Divine Sense package, turning into strands of azure sword energy, which melts into Qin Yu within the body.

Qin Yu’s 70% Sword Intent continued to climb upwards and soon broke through the inherent realm.

70% One, 72%, 70% 3 ……

Along with the rise of Sword Intent, Qin Yu’s whole person has also become more and more fierce, with an invincible edge.

For example, when Qin Yu is not moving, it is an unnamed sword hidden in its scabbard, but this unnamed sword has a terrifying sharpness.

And if Qin Yu moves, the nameless sword will immediately unsheath.

In an instant, the entire space will be occupied by the powerful Sword Intent erupted from the nameless sword Qin Yu, forming a huge murderous intention.

This feeling, introverted, reveals a jealous edge!

While the azure sword continued to collapse, the Sword Intent on Qin Yu’s body became more and more fierce. One day later, Qin Yu’s Sword Intent reached 80% of the realm.

However, the small azure sword seems to have only broken down a small part, and it is still continuously breaking down in Qin Yu’s refining.

Time passed by, and when the azure sword completely collapsed, Qin Yu gently squeezed the last trace of Sword Intent into the body, and then broke out again.

call out!

Qin Yu’s Sword Intent exploded, and the majestic sword energy surging surgingly, hovering around Qin Yu, forming one after another huge fluctuating edge, splitting the air.

“In this way, it should reach 90%. If it is 1% Perfection, then you can enter the Fourth Stage world of Sword Intent.” Qin Yu said excitedly.

Sword Intent this thing, cultivation is too difficult, if there is no certain chance, it is impossible to breakthrough.

Now because of this sword talisman, Qin Yu’s Sword Intent is 7% from the original 90-Layer, which is the most powerful.

The 90% Sword Intent is more powerful than the heavenly demon disk and Azure Dragon claw of the great accomplishment realm. Unless the latter enters the Perfection Realm, it can suppress 90% of the Sword Intent.

After the cultivation was over, Qin Yu originally wanted to cultivate Azure Dragon claws and heavenly demon plates, but after checking the time, it stopped, and there was a knock on the door.

“Young Master Qin, the trade fair is about to begin!” Mu Lingshan said respectfully from the outside.

“okay, I get it!”

Qin Yu complied, put away the cultivation base and treasure, opened the door, followed Mu Lingshan downstairs, and came to the hotel lobby.

At this time, Qin Yu didn’t intend to bring all the swords Top Sect disciple, but only chose to bring Cang Ao and Mu Lingshan as helpers.

Above the trade fair, it is the gathering place for super powerhouses, not the advantage of crowds. It is enough to have Cang Ao and Mu Lingshan as helpers.

The Liu Family sisters and Xue You were left in the hotel by Qin Yu. In this way, even if something happens, it can be handled easily.

Xue You was born in Nine Netherworlds Skylark Race, which can compete with Dragon Race. Its cultivation base has not been pulled down, and it even matched Qin Yu.

Furthermore, Xue You’s speed is second to none. Even if something happens, Xue You can report to Qin Yu in the shortest time.

After arranging things, Qin Yu, Cang Ao and Mu Lingshan left the hotel and went straight to the trade fair.

On the way, Mu Lingshan suddenly opened the mouth and said: “Young Master Qin, this time’s trade fair is organized by the Meixu Clan. If we want to break in, we should be careful.”

“Mei Xu Clan?” Qin Yu said dumbly. It was the first time he heard of this race.

“Well, it is the Meixu Clan. They are ranked more than 100 on the top of the 500 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. They are much stronger than the Qionghe clan. Moreover, this clan’s body is like a phantom phantom. Mysterious feeling, I heard that they don’t seem to have entities.” Mu Lingshan explained.

The Meixu Clan came from a clear comprehension continent. The size of the Meixu continent was about the same size as the desert continent, but the people living in the Meixu Clan were not Human Race, but rather mysterious beings.

According to legend, all races on the Meixu Continent are like demon spirits, without any entities, erratic, but when they are shot, they can cause substantial attacks.

Among them, the attack method that Meixu clan is best at is the huge Spirit Attack, similar to Ancient Era’s Ghost Race.

Most of Ancient Era’s Ghost Race has been destroyed and never appeared in this World.

The Ghost Race out of the human warrior cultivation are all created with the help of some spirit power cultivation, basically can’t be called the real Ghost Race.

In order to distinguish the difference between the two, in some major places, Ghost Race is divided into innate Ghost Race and acquired Ghost Race.

Ancient Ghost Race is the innate Ghost Race, and the human being’s subsequent cultivation success is the acquired Ghost Race.

Ancient Ghost Race is extremely mysterious. After cultivation reaches a certain realm, it will disappear. At this point, even the Dragon Race that once dominated it has no power to explore.

As for the words of the acquired Ghost Race, there is only the word “cruel”, which is incomparable with the inherent Ghost Race.

However, the Meixu Race is a race that is very close to the Ancient Ghost Race, whether it is from the means of mystery or the body structure, it is similar to the Ghost Race.

“I’ve heard of this race, but it’s a bit mysterious, and there is also a mysterious existence in the place where my ontology is. It seems to be a member of the Meixu clan. As for whether it comes from the Meixu continent here, the old man doesn’t know. Now.” Cang Ao said.

Qin Yu heard the explanations of two people. In the pupil light, strange rays of light flashed.

Because he didn’t expect that on the battlefield of these 100 races, there are even races like the Meixu race.

“Dragon Soul, what do you think of this matter?” Qin Yu’s voice sounded in his mind.

“This race sounds like a branch of Ancient Ghost Race, but specifically, I don’t know. I don’t have these things in my memory now. Sorry, Master!” Dragon Soul returned.

Hearing that Dragon Soul didn’t know about the Meixu Clan, Qin Yu couldn’t help flashing a disappointed expression in his eyes. However, Dragon Soul quickly added: “I don’t have any memory now, maybe it’s because Divine Sense is not strong. , Maybe when it grows to a certain realm, this secret will be solved.”

Qin Yu nodded, the memory of Dragon Soul, has indeed been in the seal all the time, and only when the power of Divine Sense is strengthened a little bit can various memories appear continuously.

So this explanation is understandable.

“It seems that this Meixu clan is really a troublesome race. If there is no entity, it will be a little difficult to deal with.” Qin Yu whispered.

There is no way to deal with the Meixu clan. Otherwise, the Meixu clan is afraid that he will dominate the 100 clan battlefield.

However, due to the intangible physique of the Meixu Clan, if there is no special means, it would be very difficult to kill it.

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