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The place where the trade fair is located is in the center of the North City, not very far from the hotel where Qin Yu lives, so the three people arrived at the place where the trade fair is located not long after.

This exchange is a huge house. Although most of the places have collapsed, everyone can still see that this place is in Ancient Era, which is probably the most magnificent place in this northern city.

Even though the walls are now ruined, the simple and domineering atmosphere still makes people feel shocked. I want to come here during the 10000 ancient city victory period, where the most powerhouse guarding the North City is lived.

After the Meixu Clan came to the North City, they directly occupied this place, and now they invite various powerful clans to participate in this trade fair.

When Qin Yu and the others arrived in front of the mansion, the place was already full of people, and warriors of all races gathered at the door, waiting to enter.

In the doorway, there are two black shadows of the 2th Layer Peak in the ground spring. Standing there, even in the sun, it gives people an extremely gloomy feeling. If you want to come to these two people, they are members of the Meixu clan.

2 A person is wearing a black robe. Under the black robe, there is a face of nothingness. It is composed of a certain kind of black aura. It is not true and can only be judged by the breath.

“Is this the Meixu clan?” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Speaking of which, Qin Yu is the first time to see a race like Meixu, and its shape is almost similar to that of demon spirits and ghosts.

The cultivation base of these two people is in the 4th Layer Peak of Earthquan, but they are guarding the gate here. This makes Qin Yu couldn’t help but sigh that this Meixu is strong enough.

You know, the Qionghe clan, which ranks more than 100 in the 700 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, has only two experts of the 2th Layer Initial Stage, and the 5th Layer Peak, among the Qionghe clan, is the powerhouse.

Even if it is ranked low, 4th Layer Peak can become the leader of a clan, such as the ancient movement of the Tonggu Dynasty seen by Qin Yu before.

“It is indeed great generosity, but in this way, no one dared to impudent here, hehe, there are these two Meixu clan guarding the 2th Layer Peak of the Earthquan. I am afraid it is an expert of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan. Don’t dare to be mad.” Cang Ao said with a smile.

Substantial damage is useless for the Meixu Clan, and the Meixu Clan itself has a strong spirit strength and is good at spirit strength attacks. If you use this method to attack the Meixu Clan, you will suffer.

Under the cooperation of the two Meixu clan experts, the warrior who is one realm taller would not dare to face it head-on, otherwise they would definitely suffer.

These two people keep standing at the door, reviewing everyone’s invitations. If there are invitations, you can enter them; if they don’t, you will be kicked out.

“Let me in, let me in, why not let me participate in the trade fair.”

A 5th Layer Initial Stage warrior said angrily, trying to break into the trade fair, which caused a lot of noise.

However, the two Meixu powerhouses directly shook the head and said hoarsely and indifferently: “No, no one can enter it without our Meixu invitation.”

“Why, although I have just entered the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan, but according to my strength, it should be enough to enter the top 100 of the 1000 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking and be eligible to enter the trade fair.” The warriors of the Initial Stage argued for reasons.

On the trade fair, Peak races are gathered. Some of these races must have Supreme Treasure, which is useless for themselves, but useful for others.

Therefore, this is the best way to find treasure before the final battle of the 100 races to increase their strength. Everyone wants to break their heads and drill in in exchange for some useful treasures for themselves.

This is the reason why the warrior of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Spring Realm is so, it is precisely this idea, but it is a pity that he is still stopped by the Meixu family.

“Really sorry, we only invite the top 100 races of the 1000 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. Although you are the realm of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan, you were not at all in the top 1000 before you did not receive ours. Invited, so I still can’t go in.”

“Also, what I want to tell you is, since this trade fair is organized by our Meixu clan, then our Meixu clan is the king of this place. If you break through, kill without mercy.”

The gatekeepers of the two Meixu tribes scolded sternly, and at the same time they exuded a strong pressure, bursting out with a lingering breath, pressing on the warriors of the 2th Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring.

The warrior of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm turned green, feeling like he was insulted, and was extremely humiliated. Therefore, Fiercely said, “Well, today I will challenge your Meixu clan’s kingship. If I defeat 2 , How about two people just let me in?”

The two Meixu clan in front of them are just the 2th Layer Peak of the Earthquan Realm, so the warriors of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of this Earthquan Realm feel that they have full confidence in defeating the two.

“Even if I agree with you, you don’t have this chance.” The Meixu Clan warrior lightly saying on the left.

Immediately, in the black robe, an empty palm stretched out, flicks with the finger, a virtual white flame instantly burned, the size of a fist peak, and it floated to the warrior of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the ground spring.

“Hehe, when I defeat you, I will know if I have a chance.”

The warriors of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm looked at the virtual white flames that were afraid of floating. They were sneered and driven crazily by the power of realm. The majestic Spiritual Qi was attached to the palm, moving towards the virtual white flames. go with.

However, the virtual white flame was not only not extinguished, but incomparably incomparable. It entangled in the palm of the 5th Layer warrior in this spring and burned.


Before the latter could react, the virtual white flame suddenly rose up, and instantly drowned the latter in the fire sea, and burned to ashes, leaving no corpse.

After this scene, everyone around him held breath cold air, staring blankly at the disappearing martial artist of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan, turning pale with fright.

An expert of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquake died like this, and was killed by a warrior of the 4th Layer Peak of the Earthquake.

“The strength of this Meixu clan is too terrifying!” a scared witless martial artist said, extremely frightened.

The complexions of Cang Ao, Qin Yu, and Mu Lingshan also became solemn, and they looked towards the two Meixu warriors who were guarding the door.

“Soul Fire!” Cang Ao said solemnly.

“Soul Fire?”

Mulingshan surprisedly said, it was the first time she heard this word, and she obviously didn’t understand the meaning of it.

Cang Ao heavily nodded, and explained: “Well, it is Soul Fire. The cultivation of the Meixu family is Soul Power. If it reaches a certain realm, Soul Fire can be formed, killing people invisible, and it seems that the one who just shot The Meixu Clan warrior, Soul Fire just came out of cultivation.”

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