Chen Yiping and his wife are in a daze, but Chen Feng has already pulled them away. Li Wei can't eat the meal any more, so she runs out in a hurry.

The atmosphere of the whole restaurant was once weird and dignified.

Chen Jinxing trembled with anger, and Yan Bowen's mother looked at Yan Bowen with bitterness in her eyes.

If Yan Bowen didn't make trouble, how could there be this one tonight!

Chen Zehui's face was also cold.

This Chen Feng, actually regardless of their face, tore his face on the spot, but also made his father almost ruined.

"A bin! If the bet is submitted to the court, will it be valid? " Chen Jinxing asked in a deep voice.

A young man about 30 years old stood up. He was a cousin of Chen Zehui, who worked as a legal adviser to Chen's group.

Chen Bin took a deep breath and said: "if there is a signature of the blog post, and the gambling agreement is listed, and there are witnesses present, the court will enforce it in all likelihood..."

Yan Bo's face was like ashes, sitting in the same place.

His mother's family are afraid to talk.

"Chen Yiping, you really have a good son!" Chen Jinxing was shaking with anger.

Although he was born in a village, he had already lost his native spirit and became a member of the upper class.

In the rest of his life, he had never been so angry even when he met a competitor.

Chen Jinping said that he had given his family a chance to take care of them

Chen Huian is just a family member's idea. How can he know that although Yan Bowen holds some shares in Chen's group, there are tens of millions of them!

The money didn't fall from the sky, and he didn't regard Chen Yiping as his own family.

Chen Jinxing ignored his father and looked at Yan Bowen.

Yan Bowen is his nephew. Although he is lazy and is still engaged in male and female relations in the company, he has not revealed anything.

The Yan Bowen family did not dare to look up.

"Dad, my cousin didn't mean to. Now the most important thing is to find out the relationship between Chen Feng and Jintai. If there is no relationship between them, then the bet will be submitted to the court, which is just a piece of waste paper." Chen Yajing said calmly.

That's right. But most of the smart Chen Yajing thought about what happened in the hall just now. Nine times out of ten, it's true.

As soon as Chen Bin's eyes brightened, he suddenly said, "uncle, uncle, in fact, we are not afraid of it. Chen Feng is a college student, and he doesn't understand the legal documents. As long as we quickly transfer the shares of Bowen, the so-called gambling contract, whether it is true or not, is not a piece of waste paper?"

At last, the others were relieved.

In any case, they and Chen Jinxing are "one family". If Chen Yiping, a humble member of the family, is involved in their group, it is equivalent to losing a share.

After all, shares have dividends at the end of the year.

"Good! Do it as soon as you can! " Chen Jinxing's spirit finally dissipated a lot.

Chen Binlian busy way: "I know someone in the Department, say hello in advance, can help us deal with the first time after the new year."

Chen Hui'an doesn't understand these, but he vaguely understands that most of the so-called shares, Chen Yiping, are nothing.

He sighed in his heart. No matter how to say, Chen Jinxing is his son. Although he loves Chen Yiping's family, if he is partial, how do his children and grandchildren think of himself?

In his heart, he just felt ashamed of Chen Yiping. If it hadn't been for the care of Chen Yiping a few years ago, he would have been unable to take care of himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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