On the other hand, after Chen Feng came out, Chen Yiping and his wife were still very shocked by Chen Feng's performance.

"Chen Feng..." Chen Yiping called out anxiously.

Chen Feng said in a deep voice: "Dad, needless to say, we will never step into here for the Spring Festival! And I'll make them regret it! "

To be honest, Chen Yiping and his wife don't know how Chen Jinxing treats them?

Only because of Chen Hui'an and his former brotherhood, Chen Yiping selectively ignored it.

The couple didn't want to covet Chen Jinxing's family money. They just wanted to have a meal with Chen Huian and Chen Jinxing.

I didn't expect that Chen Jinxing treated them like this in the end.

Chen Yiping naturally broke his heart. Chen's mother advised him, "well, maybe it's destined that we are not people of the same level. In the future, we'll go back to our own home to eat. Although it's not as luxurious as here, at least we have enough to eat."

Chen Yiping sighed and had to give up.

"Mom and Dad, you get in the car first."

Chen Fengqi also consumed a lot. Half of them were made for them in the restaurant just now.

"Chen Feng!"

Li Wei also trotted out, as if in a hurry.

"How did you come out?" Chen Feng asked.

Because of the cold weather, Li Wei's small face came out of the villa full of heat. She looked a little crimson, just like a little apple. She wanted to take a bite.

"I'm worried about you..." Li Wei said in a low voice.

Chen Feng light way: "I am OK."

Chen Feng immediately took out the gambling agreement with Yan Bowen just now, handed it to Li Wei and said, "please hand it over to them for me."

Looking at this, Li Wei was surprised

Just now, Chen Feng made a big bet with Yan Bowen, and lost his temper at the dinner table. Even in that case, he didn't give out the bet.

But now it's sent back. What does that mean?

She believes that Chen Feng is a shareholder of Jintai, which is easy to find out and can not be fake.

She also knows that in this case, Chen Feng certainly doesn't care about the money. Does Chen Feng want to make peace with Chen Jinxing's family?

"Don't get me wrong. I'll never forgive them for treating my parents tonight."

Chen Feng light way: "help me tell them, they this money, I don't care at all, also don't look up to, don't be a frog in the well, and tell them, don't look too high yourself."

In fact, when he began to bet, Chen Feng himself wanted to find some protection for his parents. Yes, the shares were transferred to the names of Chen Yiping and his wife, so that they could have a little income protection in the future.

What's more, gambling with Yan has such a meaning, that is, to see what the Chen Jinxing family are reacting to.

Did not expect a little money to try out Chen Jinxing their face, Chen Feng's heart to their family is also completely dead.

It's just money. Doesn't he?

He has hundreds of millions of accounts, and is also a major shareholder of Jintai. He has too much money to spend.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng shook his head. The money of all evils is indeed a touchstone of all kinds of tests.

He saw Chen Jinxing's family clearly, and he would not have any relationship with them.

"No matter what, I'll go back first. After the new year, I'll go back to Shenchuan, and then I'll visit you."

After that, Chen Feng got on the bus and left.

Li Wei's mind wandered around the familiar and strange figure, her eyes slightly meditated.

Chen Feng has changed too much. He has become more ambitious. He even has the dignity of a superior person. He is not like a student at all.

That temperament, can point out the feeling between the mountains and rivers, let her the chairman of this large group is also slightly sideways.

Li Wei went back to the table and sent the bet back to the table. Everyone was overjoyed.

"Hey, I said that the poor boy certainly didn't know any high-level Jintai. I was afraid that he would show up, so he sent it back."

"That's right. This guy must be guilty. It's hard for him to take the opportunity to attack just now. He thought he had two sons!"

"Just a little boy, what can you do?"

"It's better to save us from running."

People on the table were all cynical, even Chen Zehui was sneering in his heart. He said that Chen Feng could not have such connections, and now he is finally exposed.

Chen Zehui has recovered his indifference and coldness. In Chen's family, only he is a young talent.

Li Wei began to resent this big family, this kind of low-level attitude, full of a kind of upstarts, so that she was very indifferent since she was a child.

But after all, she was invited to have a reunion dinner. She tried to suppress her anger and said in a deep voice, "besides, Chen Feng asked me to tell you that he doesn't care about this money. Besides, he also said that he should not be a frog in the bottom of a well and don't look too high on himself.""I have something to deal with. I won't eat this meal."

Li Wei left this sentence is to leave, leaving a cold face of the family.

Chen Hui'an did not expect Chen Feng to say these words. He did not know what it was like in his heart. Instead, Chen Jinxing sneered: "he is the frog in the well. In this society, money and power are everything. They will never realize it."

Chen's family nodded one after another, ignoring the episode.

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