As soon as this word came out, pan Guangle and other three friends were all stunned.

There are three groups in Qinling City, namely, the Ming Lan group of Xu family, Chen's group of Chen family, and Yi Kang Industrial Group of Pang Haocheng.

These three giants are deeply rooted in Qinling city.

Pang Haocheng of Yikang industrial group started from scratch and worked hard in Qinling city for 20 years. With his skill of intersection, he made his group one of the leading groups in Qinling city before he was 50 years old.

Chen Jinxing, the Chen family, made his fortune in Shenchuan and returned to Qinling city.

As for the minglan group of Xujia, the scope of industrial distribution is the widest, which mostly involves resort, club, golf and other industries.

Because of this, minglan group ranks the third among the three groups in Qinling City, far less famous than the first two groups.

This donation is 10 million, or Chen Feng on behalf of their Ming Lan group, this is a big sum of money!

Although they are surprised by this 10 million yuan, pan Guangle, Qiu Wenquan and He Lian all know it well. I'm afraid that is to sell face to Chen Feng!

After all, last time in He Xiang's home and in the resort, Chen Feng's contacts surprised everyone.

Not only do we know the assistant to the general manager of the sea trade group in Tianshui City, but also fan Chen, the prince of the three northern provinces, should be respectful.

Although they did not know what Chen Feng did outside, they did not ask.

I get used to it.

My classmates have such a wide network, which is a good thing for me!

He Lian doesn't matter, but Qiu Wenquan and pan Guangle, of course, are all in blossom.

"Chen Feng! Thanks to you! How can we say that we are all classmates for so many years. If we are rich and noble, don't forget each other! " Pan Guangle had a good laugh.

Chen Feng smiles, and Xu Ze is a little worried and asks, "brother Feng, I don't know..."

"Such a meaningful thing, of course." Chen Feng waved his hand.


Xu Ze was very happy.

"Dad told me to give Fengge face in any case. It's worth 10 million yuan."

"After all, with Feng GE's ability, our group will surely earn more than 10 million yuan in the future."

This is a long-term investment. Soon, he is driving ahead.

The group headed for the city, and soon it was evening.

The charity dinner was held in Huada Hotel, the only five-star hotel in Qinling city.

The most luxurious top floor has been covered.

Entering the hall, the aroma is fragrant, the wine is moving, and many men and women are dressed beautifully.

They have extraordinary temperament, each with a red face.

"This is the upper class." Pan Guangle looks like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Immediately, my eyes fell on those self-service food, almost drooling.

"I'll go. This dinner party is higher than he Xiang's last time."

Qiu Wenquan corrected the suit that had been specially cut out, and warned in a low voice: "Guangle, be serious. Don't disgrace Chen Feng, or you will be driven out and your lobster will not be able to eat."

Pan Guangle tried to put away his greedy look, and immediately everyone was scattered, only Xu Ze was with Chen Feng.

The top floor is very spacious, although it is open-air, but full of heating, all kinds of decoration, and green plants, under this bright light, it looks warm.

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