Chen Feng noticed that in the front, a podium has been built, and in front of the rostrum, there are tables of different colors.

At the front, there are three tables with red tablecloth.

All of them were blue tablecloths.

However, the banquet has not started yet. It seems that some important guests have not arrived, so the three tables are empty.

Xu Ze looked proud and said, "yes, the three tables in front of us are for our minglan group, Yikang industrial group and Chen's group."

"Chen group?" Chen Feng eyebrow slightly a frown, but soon recovered calm.

Xu Ze nodded: "I heard that Chen's group will donate a large amount of money to the poverty fund every year. Moreover, Pang Shan Ren and Chen's group have a good relationship. Chen's group will certainly give Pang Shan people enough face."

If we don't have enough time to chew our teeth

Chen Feng did not speak.

The donation of 10 million is already a terrible number.

It seems that the Ming Lan group, in order to win their favor, has even given up their blood.

Soon the door is a bit of a commotion, the original is he Yuhong with a group of people came.

"He always good, he always happy new year."

"Ha ha, I wish Mr. He can make a lot of money this year

The festival atmosphere is immediately lively up, he Yuhong is also full of red, to meet the younger generation of red packets.

"Chen Feng, are you here, too?" A strange voice rang out, fixed his eyes and saw that he Xiang and Ruan Yi came over. It was Ruan Yi who spoke.

See Chen Feng again, he Xiang's face is not very good-looking, but Xu Ze beside, he still nodded to say hello.

Since then, Xu Ze didn't want to see him.

He was also a smart man. At that time, he despised Chen Feng so much, and he arranged the elevator room for Chen Feng. All this was because of He Xiang!

If Chen Feng didn't remember villains later, the project of the second phase of their resort would be in vain.

Therefore, for he Xiang, Xu Ze has some hatred in his heart.

He Xiang didn't care about Xu Ze's indifference to his attitude.

Although their family is not a local group in Qinling City, they do business outside the sea!

He Xiang thinks his father is much better than the so-called three local groups in Qinling.

So he doesn't care about Xu Ze's indifference, because he has his own pride.

Just for Chen Feng, because of the last LV hang thing, he still has a grudge.

Later, his father begged many times, and LV hangcai was angry with his last behavior.

It's all about this guy!

"Brother Feng, let's go to the other side."

Xu Ze knows that Chen Feng and he Xiang don't have much friendship, so he takes Chen Feng to the other side.

He Xiang's face suddenly sank. Ruan Yi, who was beside him, was not angry for him and said, "this guy is just too arrogant! Isn't it just a little personal? Where is the sense of superiority! I don't know what he's doing outside. "

Chen Feng knew the assistant to the chairman of the board of directors of the largest sea trade group in the four provinces and cities of the East China Sea, and he also knew fan Chen. This was an incredible thing for them.

Chen Feng wants to have no connections, to learn without knowledge, on the background is even more unnecessary to replace.

Although they do not know why Chen Feng knows LV hang and fan Chen, in their opinion, Chen Feng must have used some illegal means.

Ruan Yi then said: "Xu Ze invited him. It seems that the Ming Lan group is likely to donate in the name of Chen Feng."

He Xiang's face was cold. Just at this moment, a voice rang out --

"he Xiang, why don't you come to me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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