He Xiang looked at Shang Yi Fei in surprise, and then he was silent.

If Chen Feng can make a fool of himself on the stage, it is naturally the best. How can a person who wants to be born without any action or background stand higher than himself?

With the arrival of he Yuhong, there are also many rich businessmen in Qinling city.

Then, Chen Jinxing of Chen's group, as well as Chen Zehui and Chen Yajing, were also accompanied.

"Ha ha, Mr. Chen, happy new year."

"Happy new year, happy new year."

Chen Jinxing, with a red face, was eager to say hello to all the big business people.

"Jinxing, it seems that you are late."

He Yuhong sees this, heartily laughs is to walk past.

Chen Jinxing was also very happy. They immediately came to bear's arms. The former said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for almost a year. You've gained a lot of weight! It seems that you had a good time last year. I also heard that you were promoted to the general manager of Tianshui sea trade group! "

He Yuhong laughed and said, "no, I'm just lucky."

It sounds modest, but actually there is a kind of pride in it.

Many people in the crowd are full of surprise, those big boss are one after another to greet.

The young people gathered together to discuss two business leaders in Qinling.

"It seems that Chen Jinxing and he Yuhong are very good looks!"

"That's for sure. Both of them are native Qinling people. Although Chen Jinxing started from scratch, he came back in Shenchuan. He Yuhong, not to mention, went out to work at a young age and worked with the boss of the sea trade in Tianshui city. Last year, he Yuhong became the general sea trade in the four provinces and cities of the East China Sea. It can be said that one person has been promoted to the heaven by a chicken and a dog! "

"It's no wonder that he Yuhong is not as famous as the three groups in Qinling City, but he is more influential than others. As long as many groups want to do business with the outside world, they want to go through the hands of he Yuhong."

These young people discussed like this, envied one after another, wondering when they would have such a detached status and contacts?

After all, they represent the future of Qinling city. For these people, they can only look up to them for the time being.

With more and more people, the venue is becoming more and more lively. Almost all the people who can come here are elites from the upper class.

Either in the town, the city has a public office, or is born rich family.

Soon, these young people, led by Chen Zehui, began to chat.

When they had finished eating and drinking, Chen Jinxing and his two sons and daughters were on the table. The table was very big. He Yuhong and he Xiang also sat on the table on the left side.

The donation dinner is represented by local groups. He Yuhong does not have his own industry. Naturally, he can only "set up a table". Of course, he does not care.

Here, his position is the same as Chen Jinxing. Everyone should give him face.

To some extent, his detached contacts are even inferior to Chen Jinxing and Pang Hao in Chengdu.

The middle table is represented by Pang Hao, some senior executives of Yikang industry. However, Pang Haocheng is the main character, and his wife has not entered.

As for the third table, it seems odd.

"What's wrong with minglan group? How come all the tables on behalf of the party are children? "

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