At one time, the venue was full of suspicion, and they cast their eyes in the past. Under this view, many people were looking at it.

On the third table on the right, Fang is naturally the minglan group.

At this time, Chen Feng is sitting on the table.

In the face of such an occasion, Xu Ze is very calm. Although he is young, he comes out to work earlier. Minglan group has already taken care of him. His father takes care of the resort in pingweng county.

But it is also because of his youth that many industrialists think it is frivolous and difficult to pick a beam.

In addition, the industries involved by the Ming Lan group in Qinling City coincide with those of the Chen group. Therefore, the Chen group and the Ming Lan group are regarded as competitors, and no one is satisfied with them.

Xu Ze, a dandy, certainly won't be looked down upon by the rich second generation of Qinling City, but other people are not the same.

"I can understand that Mr. Xu left the business to Xu Shao, but on this occasion, how can we say it's better to bring a senior member of the group? Those guys, I'm afraid, are still in school? "

"It's disrespectful of this donation dinner. Is this a playground?"

Many people sighed secretly, yes, for Xu Ze.

Even if young people don't understand, this kind of occasion is still like playing. Is this a party?

All the heavyweights in Qinling are coming tonight!

For the change of Xu Ze's attitude towards He Xiang, he Xiang has already talked with he Yuhong.

He Yuhong is also proud, since you don't cooperate with us, I don't care about you!

He Xiang, who has seen his classmates despise him, has no comment.

He is a general manager of the sea trade group. Why should he have a common understanding with these people?

Qinling City fawns on him.

Chen Jinxing's family, of course, was surprised to see Chen Feng and Xu Ze sitting together.

Ming Lan group and their Chen group are at odds, but what they didn't expect is that Chen Feng even knew Xu Ze of Ming Lan group?

Chen Zehui's face is full of a kind of indifference, but just looked at Chen Feng, it is a little cold.

Chen Yajing is very disappointed with her cousin.

After that new year's Eve dinner, Chen Feng treated her father so much that she didn't have any good feelings for him.

And now, he even got close to the prince of Ming Lan group.

People in Qinling city all know that Xu Ze is a dandy, and his reputation is not very good.

"No wonder he has become so open-minded, not big or small, so many people with xuze." Chen Yajing thought in her heart.

Of course, outsiders don't know the relationship between Chen Feng and Chen's group. Of course, they won't say that Chen Feng needs identity, background and background. What's the benefit of Chen's group if he says it?

Chen Feng will have face, but they will lose face.

A deputy general manager of Chen's group said angrily, "Xu Mingzhi is really getting more and more dishonest. Even if the business is left to such a young son, he doesn't even show up. Is it contemptuous of this donation dinner party?"

Chen Zehui meaningful way: "Jia manager why angry, anyway, they are the Ming Lan group."

For Chen Feng, Chen Zehui has now ignored the past.

He is well-off, highly educated, and every step he takes is to build relationships and contacts for himself.

For a dandy like Xu Ze, he naturally doesn't look up to him and will not make friends with him.

For Chen Feng, in his opinion, is just a follower of Xu Ze. Which aspect of the former can be compared with himself?

Instead of focusing on him, it's better to behave better at this donation dinner and let more people know themselves.

He Xiang is the youngest, and he can hardly get a word in here. Of course, he doesn't like Xu Ze any more now. He hopes that the party will start soon so that Chen Feng will lose face.

The three tables were not far away from each other. Chen Feng, with his cultivation ability, heard their secret words. He didn't care about his illness.

Of course, he knew that Xu Mingzhi only allowed Xu Ze to come by himself. The purpose was very simple. He wanted to let Xu Ze take advantage of Chen Feng's "connections".

Looking at Qiu Wenquan, he is calm and restless.

"Hello, Chen Feng. I think many people are watching us! In other words, there are too few people in our table? " Pan Guangle said in a low voice.

Rao Shi Qiu Wenquan is a bit knowledgeable, but also feel embarrassed.

There are some business tycoons on their desks. Even a large number of people at the table behind them have higher status than them. They are nobody. Even sitting in the front, he always feels uncomfortable.

Xu Ze was about to talk when he saw a familiar voice in the crowd who had not yet taken his seat——"Why is my cousin here?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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