You know, three generations of military families, this is a very large military family, if there are four generations, this is absolutely unthinkable.

Pan Guangle's so-called "big" is not huge, it is the power, contacts, relations, huge to incredible.

"Sister Xiaoxiao is very powerful. She has been relying on special forces at a young age. It is said that she is an officer of a mysterious special force in the southern theater! I can tell you, this ordinary special soldier, sister Xiaoxiao can fight five by herself He Lian said with envy.

He Lian was also born in the military family, but compared with the Yan family, He Lian is nothing.

"I met her at an army party, too."

Pan Guangle and Qiu Wenquan were suddenly stunned and their necks shrank unconsciously.

This NIMA hits five commandos at a time? Is this a joke?

After he Lian said so, Chen Feng moved in his heart and suddenly opened the eye of heaven.

His heavenly eye can not only see through, but also see the lines flowing through one's blood.

He was surprised at the sight.

"Sure enough, Yan Xiaoxiao is not an ordinary person."

Looking from afar, he found that Yan Xiaoxiao's metabolism of Xincheng was very fast, much faster than ordinary people.

In particular, there seems to be some strange energy in her muscles.

"Is this man related to the army?"

Chen Feng thought so, silent up.

yes, as like as two peas in Han Yang, Yan Xiaoxiao, a girl who is called Chen Feng, is exactly the same as Han Yang.

Even, the energy in Yan Xiaoxiao's body is stronger than Han Yang!

"If that's true, then it's exaggerating to fight five special forces." Chen Feng shook his head in his heart.

Like Han Yang's strength, even if the ordinary special forces come to 20 or 30, he is no problem.

After all, this kind of person has mastered the strange energy, but also has the martial arts and so on formidable skill auxiliary.

It's better than a general and a housekeeper. Maybe only aircraft and artillery can hurt them.

Because according to Chen Feng's understanding of the past, only to achieve martial arts master can resist bullets.

There are seven kinds of martial arts in the realm of creation. Only when they break through can they reach the master of martial arts.

Since then, with the strength of Chen Feng in the middle period of Qi refining, he is only one step away from the strength of martial arts master.

Because when Chen Feng was in the early stage of Qi refining, he guessed that he didn't need to be afraid of the triple, quadruple and even quintuple of the natural environment.

You should know that he is already in the middle of Qi refining state. Even if he is facing the seven martial arts in the realm of nature, Chen Feng can fight.

The reason why he is so clear about the equivalence of this kind of strength is simple. To some extent, he is a warrior.

It's just that he specializes in Tao.

"I don't know how strong this man is?"

Thinking about this side, Xu Ze has already brought Yan Shanshan to come over, that look, a face of smile, as if very afraid of the appearance.


He Lian stands up excitedly and holds Yan Xiaoxiao's hand.

Yan Xiaoxiao looks like an iceberg rose in the distance. Pan Guangle and Qiu Wenquan are both somewhat helpless.

However, Yan Xiaoxiao's indifferent face suddenly turned into an iceberg white rose, with a trace of purity.

"Lotus seed? Are you Xu Ze's friend? " Yan Xiaoxiao was surprised.

"Yes! Xu Shao brought us here. These are my classmates. " He Lian said enthusiastically.

She advocates "force" and is very interested in Sanda. However, in the face of Yan Xiaoxiao, she becomes a female fan in a second, and she is very adoring.

"This is my cousin," Xu Ze said

"Sister, this is brother Feng." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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