Yan Xiaoxiao said hello to the crowd one by one. As soon as she sat down, her aura was just too big. Pan Guangle and Qiu Wenquan talked with each other, but now they dare not look at her.

Yan Shanshan, a native of Nanshan, received "irregular" military training since childhood.

Perhaps due to the influence of her ancestors, she was determined to join the army since she was a child.

As a result of the family relationship, she followed her grandfather and father everywhere since childhood. It can be said that she has not seen any of the great figures in the south, and she does not know any of them.

It is also because of this, the temperament and vision that she has cultivated since childhood has made her far beyond her peers.

Even at the same age as these people, she showed a mature and steady enough.

Although she was only in her early twenties, she did not know how many people with extraordinary backgrounds and great talents were known in the army.

Even at any high-end occasion, any rich and powerful, high-ranking officials and rich people, she only needs to look at it to be able to clearly understand its three points.

But there was a man on this table that she could not see through.

Nature is silence from beginning to end, but in fact, sitting upright is full of a faint arrogance.

Yes, it is.

Although this person looks inferior to those handsome men, he is also pretty.

But I don't know why, this person's eyes that kind of indifferent, but full of as deep as the pool of tranquility.

She has met many big people in the city, in the province, and even in the rich list with only one hand.

Which of these can't shake the existence of an area by stamping your feet?

But these people, all of them, are nothing compared to this person.

It is a kind of arrogance that Mount Tai collapses in front of it and its color remains unchanged, and the Elk's interest in the left is not instantaneous.

As if any person and thing in his eyes as if nothing.

She was so surprised that she couldn't help looking at the quiet one more time.

I don't know why. After one more look, Yan Xiaoxiao felt that his appearance was even more endurable and had a kind of charm and temperament different from ordinary people.

"When did such a man come out of Nanshan province? Who the hell is he? " Yan Xiaoxiao's heart is ten thousand points short.

Because she knows the situation of Xu Ze's family, even Xu Ze, a dandy, calls him brother Feng. Is he a good man?

Yan Xiaoxiao's family background is very good, but most of the people who walk are in the southern cities. How can those rich and powerful families or people with big backgrounds meet here casually?

She immediately shook her head. It seemed that she was thinking too much.

Maybe this person is just a little bit of identity background, too arrogant, which makes him have the illusion.

Pan Guangle muttered: "Xu Shao, I can't believe you have such a cousin."

Yan Xiaoxiao glanced at Xu Ze and said to He Lian, "my cousin didn't bring you too much trouble, did you?"

He Lian said, "no, Xu Shao has treated us very well."

"Oh?" Yan Xiaoxiao appears a little surprised, "Xu Ze, it seems that you have changed sex."

With an embarrassed smile, Xu Ze said, "sister, don't be like this. People will become! You see, when my dad asked me to represent such an important donation party, it means that my father has begun to take over the business for me

"Well, it seems that my fist still works. I'm beginning to have a long memory." Yan Xiaoxiao said faintly.

In this way, it's like a mother is teaching her children a lesson.

Xu Ze's face turned red and said, "elder sister, someone is there."

People look strange, as if to understand that there is a reason for Xu Ze's fear.

"By the way, sister, how did you come to Qinling?"

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