I saw the body shape of a dragon and tiger stride is to walk in, accompanied by several suit men.

"Mayor Dai!"

As soon as this man appeared, everyone present was surprised.

"Brother." Mrs. Pang called out with joy when she saw the middle-aged man.

As soon as this man appeared, those rich businessmen in Qinling City yelled.

"Mayor Dai is still so wise and powerful!"

"Hello, mayor Dai."

All of a sudden, pan Guangle and He Lian were surprised.

"Mayor? Mayor Dai is Mrs. Pang's brother? Isn't Pang Shan's brother-in-law of mayor Dai? "

In a flash, some of the younger generation are in an uproar.

The mayor of Qinling city! This is a big man!

Chen Feng thinks to himself, no wonder this Yikang industry can do so much. Pang Haocheng also has a big background.

"Haocheng, it seems that the banquet is well done. My sister has not married the wrong person." Mayor Dai nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, mayor Dai also saw Chen Jinxing and he Yuhong, and immediately passed by.

Mayor Dai first said hello to Chen Jinxing and immediately faced he Yuhong with a smile on his face.

"Yuhong, we haven't seen each other for more than half a year. I heard that you've got a good time in Tianshui city."

He Yuhong has such a big face that even mayor Dai has to talk in person.

He Yuhong naturally is full of pride, but in the face of the villains here, he modestly smiles and says: "where, also met a noble person, where is like mayor Dai, Qinling city is in good order under your care, it seems that it will not take many years to rise."

Dai mayor's eyes brightened, he he said with a smile: "I accept your words, I accept your words! It doesn't matter whether you are promoted or not. It's all about serving the people. Come on, let's sit here. "

Spin even pull he Yuhong to sit in the middle of the master table.

As soon as he Yuhong left, Chen Zehui's face did not look good.

In some cases, Chen Jinxing's position is greater than that of he Yuhong.

Chen Jinxing didn't get angry. Instead, he said, "Zehui, there is nothing to be angry about. He Yuhong has a wide network. Dai Zhongpeng will be transferred to the provincial government. He can only have some connections. But don't forget that Qinling city does not have our Chen's group. Dai Zhongpeng is still in the third tier cities."

In this way, Chen Zehui's face is stretched out.

It is true that only when the Duke of Qinling city is built and the economy is good, and the public accounts are good, can they have a chance to be promoted.

Chen's group is the leading group in Qinling City, and Shenchuan doesn't know how many large company groups have cooperation.

If we want to do well in Qinling City, we can't achieve it without their Chen's group, only relying on our brother-in-law's Yikang industry.

"Zehui, we need to take a long view. When our group continues to expand, even the provincial leaders and departments will come to us for cooperation."

Chen Jinxing is calm and shows the demeanor and vision of a generation of business tycoons. Those senior executives of Chen's group at the same table admire him secretly.

After all of them took their seats, Shang Yifei began to preside over it.

"Welcome to the donation party held by Yikang industrial group. Here, we welcome..."

The main guests were Pang Haocheng, mayor Dai Zhongpeng, Chen Jinxing, and even he Yuhong, who had not been introduced.

Each time a character is introduced, there is thunderous applause, and except for Xu Ze of minglan group, the applause here is the smallest.

Xu Ze appears to be a little resentful, mumble: "our group is not a good relationship with the city, a bunch of snobs."

Chen Feng and others are silent. If a group wants to grow bigger, it can't be bigger without the cooperation and communication of local officials.

Because of this, minglan group is the last of the three groups.

"Well, I'm afraid you can't wait. In that case, let's start the donation. This donation, how much is a will, is for the disaster area, for the people, for the future of China. " Shang Fei said with a smile.

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