It's a good idea to say how much to donate, but none of you here are stupid!

All of the people who came to Qinling city were from the top. Can't they donate tens of thousands and eighty thousand?

Is that a secular donation from local tyrants?

But here, all of them are business tycoons.

In their eyes, it's like throwing a piece of garbage.

"JIAYE real estate, 10 million."

At this time, one of the tables is similar to the assistant secretary who lives in the giant hand said.


All of a sudden, the whole audience was startled.

A donation is ten million!

"I'll go! What a generous boss Dong is

"Surely! JIAYE real estate is the biggest real estate developer in Qinling city! "

Next to the secretary who had just called, there was a middle-aged man with a big belly. His face was indifferent and smiling. It seemed that he was proud.

Qiu Wenquan was stunned: "is this the rich family in the upper class? What a bold and generous man

Xu Ze's face is shaking up, his initial budget is 10 million!

It's tens of millions of dollars! As a representative of the three groups, naturally, it is impossible to be lower than this number!

Yan Xiaoxiao's face is calm, without any emotional fluctuations.

It seems to her that money, even if ten times more, is like dirt.

"Ha ha, thank you for the children in the disaster area." Pang Haocheng stood up with a smile and bowed to the general manager Dong not far away.

Pang Haocheng sighed and said: "everybody, you all know that some time ago my life was on the line. If it was not for the help of a miracle doctor, I'm afraid Pang would not have stood here. Since my life was given to me by God, I'd like to express my feelings. This time, I will donate 100 million yuan in the name of the unknown doctor. "

100 million!

The ground exploded immediately.

"Ha ha, Pang Shan man is really great

"Pang Shan people really think about the disaster area. It's the blessing of Qinling city."

The crowd congratulated one after another, and the younger generation were all stunned.

You know, even if it was the earthquake in Zhongdu Province in 2008, the largest donation from the state was no more than 200 million!

Private enterprises can donate tens of millions, which is a very terrible number.

"I've heard about this miracle doctor. It's so powerful that Pang Shan Ren has been involved in so many things once he's done it. He still has the name of an unknown miracle doctor."

"If you can know the name of this miracle doctor, I'm afraid it will spread all over Nanshan province."

Qiu Wenquan, pan Guangle and He Lian were all stunned.

"This is the local tyrant." Pan Guangle was completely shocked.

Xu Ze tongue, he felt his tongue has been bitter.

"I remember that in 2008, Pang donated 50 million yuan, 100 million yuan, too much..." Xu Ze said.

He Lian immediately pondered: "but I think it should be Pang Shan Ren who survived the disaster. He ran into a miracle doctor in the hospital to help him. This is how kind-hearted he is. It costs so much money."

"But for the miracle doctor, Pang Shan Ren would not have donated so much money!" Many people on the table thought so.

Chen Feng faint smile, perhaps compared to life, this 100 million is simply too small.

At a time when life and death are at stake, I'm afraid that it is not too much to donate the full value.

However, he knows that people die for money, birds die for food, and many people, even if they die, still want to hold money.

In contrast, Pang Haocheng is really kind.

Chen Feng thought that he was lucky not to save the wrong person.

After all, even if you have money, you can't donate most of them.

First, the company group should be run; second, charity is the first thing. It doesn't care how much.

Moreover, disaster areas or backward, simply relying on money, relying on the strength of one person, is simply unable to support.

This is just a kind of infrastructure, a kind of burning eyebrows. If we want to really drive the rich first and then rich, we still rely on the economic and industrial pull.

Of course, for the disaster areas, for the poor areas, the money has been the existence of a long drought every dew, timely help.

And charity is a lifetime thing, and it's continuous.

Yan Xiaoxiao is still indifferent to Pang Haocheng's donation of 100 million yuan. He sips his wine and looks thoughtful.

"Baishun entertainment donated one million yuan."

"Sunshine Building, donate eight million."

"Yida coatings, donated 10 million."

"Chen's group has donated 30 million yuan."


Many large and small enterprises have also begun to report their donation figures.

The party's applause, noise, ups and downs, lively.All the people present, the rich and the boss all donated money, leaving only minglan group.

Xu Ze looks worried and seems to be hesitating.

"Xu Ze, the donation is about the intention. If we blindly compare with each other, we will lose the original intention of doing charity." Chen Feng said.

Yan Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly moved. He couldn't help looking at Chen Feng.

The people who can say this kind of words, except for the poor losers who have no money, are only leaders or local tyrants who are in high positions and see through everything.

What is the background of this man?

Xu Ze was stunned. He was hesitating to add more money!

Now Chen Feng said so, he has no psychological burden, because 10 million, is not a small number of ah!

Xu Zexuan immediately called out: "minglan group, on behalf of Chen Feng, donated 10 million."

"Chen Feng?"

For a moment, the whole audience was shocked and cast their eyes in succession.

He Xiang sneers in the heart, Shang Yifei eyebrows a pick, finally caught the opportunity? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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