As soon as he said this, he felt that the most strange thing was the people from Chen Jinxing.

Just because it's a little too familiar to them.

"Chen Feng? How could he be related to the Ming Lan group? " Chen Yajing was very surprised.

Chen Jinxing and Chen Zehui also frowned.

They only thought that Chen Feng had a relationship with Xu Ze, a dandy. However, Xu Ze's words surprised them.

Even if Chen Feng how to do a follow-up, far from the Ming Lan group to treat such a situation!

All the people in the audience put their eyes on Chen Feng. Of course, except for pan Guangle, Qiu Wenquan, and He Lian, whose faces were somewhat strange, others seemed very suspicious.

If pan Guangle did not know that Chen Feng was related to Prince fan Chen of the East China Sea and General Manager Gao of the Tianshui sea trade group, their faces were the same as that of almost everyone present.

And on the master's table in the middle, they are more surprised?

Pang Haocheng and his wife, as well as Dai Zhongpeng, were also surprised.

He Xiang's face was a little sneer, and he Yuhong was frowning, looking at someone on the table not far from them.

"Who is Chen Feng? What a face! Lianminglan Group donated 10 million yuan in his name? "

"I don't know? Is it someone in our circle? But there seems to be no such person. "

For a time, the venue was full of excitement.

On the table on the right, Chen Feng was sitting on her seat, calm as water.

Yan Xiaoxiao couldn't help but look at Chen Feng curiously. What background does this person have?

As for minglan group, she knows that Xu Ze's mother is Yan Xiaoxiao's aunt, and minglan group's ability to build up its scale today is more or less related to their Yan family.

However, she had never heard of her uncle's family when she met a "character" named Chen Feng. She was willing to donate ten million yuan in this name.

The venue was full of discussion.

With a smile on his face, Shang Yifei asked with a smile: "Xu Shao, our charity donation party is open to the disaster areas all over the country, so the signature and origin of the money should be verified by everyone. I don't know who Mr. Chen Xu Shao said is?"

Xu Ze was dissatisfied with the way: "donation on the donation, where there are so many rules, it is difficult not to do a good deed also to leave a name, talk about a birth?"

Shang Yifei said: "Xu Shao, I think you misunderstood, because the donation party is directly donated to the disaster area. We are afraid that some people will use this party to do some illegal activities to earn social reputation. This will not only damage our law, but also affect the society."

As soon as this was said, many people nodded in agreement.

Xu Ze immediately was angry and said, "what do you mean by that?"!? Is the money of our minglan group unknown? You know we and... "

Before Xu Ze finished speaking, Yan Xiaoxiao frowned and stared at the past. Xu Ze immediately stopped talking.

The Yan family is the first military family in Nanshan, but no one knows the relationship between the Yan Family and the Xu family.

This is also the reason why the four generations of Yan Family's military family are low-key and introverted.

After all, it has always been taboo for the army to have something to do with the secular world. Otherwise, it will have a bad impact on these families.

Although Xu Ze is angry, but he also knows the occasion. How can a donation be blocked?

"Xu Shao, don't be angry. I also ask clearly. I don't know if this Mr. Chen is one of your side? Why don't you let him come out and say hello to everyone and let us know him, OK? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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