Some of the managers who knew a little bit about it also spoke one after another.

"Yes, Xu Shao. Introduce it to us all."

"Yes, yes!"

Yu Shang, if you can ask minglan group to contribute money in the name of an outsider, he must be a very important person. Otherwise, his signature should be minglan group, not others!

From this point of view, this person must be someone who the minglan clique does not dare to offend or even flatter.

After years of hard work in the workplace, these businessmen saw the tricks of the Ming Lan group at a glance.

Therefore, if we can get to know each other, it is also a good thing.

After all, businessmen make money, so there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future!

He Xiang sneered in his heart.

"Then, it's up to you to make a fool of yourself!"

The donations were made by some big companies in Qinling City, and the president of the group was also the boss.

Even if it is the Ming Lan group, in the name of Chen Feng, if there is no status, no background, how can the Ming Lan group be so generous?

It's going to make everyone question.

"Chen Feng, if you really have the ability, I really want to see how you will deal with it." He Xiang began to feel proud.

Don't you know LV hang from Tianshui?

Don't you know fan Chen from the three northern provinces?

But unfortunately, they are just your relationship that does not exist, you have no strength at all.

This is he Xiang. Even if Chen Feng may really know those people like Lu hang and fan Chen, he will not really feel threatened.

Because he is very clear about Chen Feng's family background and background, this person, in the outside certainly does not know what means to have such relations.

"If you want to survive, you can't rely on others. The key is to be strong enough!"

For Chen Jinxing and his three sons, they are also cold eyed.

At that time, Chen Feng called Xiaozhang of Jintai group. Chen Zehui had already told Chen Jinxing.

Chen Jinxing was surprised.

Recently, Jintai financial group has grown up rapidly in Shenchuan city with abundant funds. Its boss is Luo Jinpeng, the former financial empire of Shenchuan city.

Luo Jinpeng!

Even when Chen Jinxing was at a large party, he met him from afar, and even had no chance to shake hands.

Although he was strange in his heart, he only believed that seeing was believing, and he didn't believe that a freshman who came out of a village and was just a freshman would know a good man.

"Most of the time it's some kind of deceptive trick, or someone else's handle will make others cooperate." Chen Jinxing thought in his heart.

As for Chen Yiping's family, he has already lost his feelings. As for Chen Feng, who is arrogant, somewhat bloodthirsty and impulsive, he does not like it.

This kind of person, read a second-class University, after graduation ordinary light, also lived like this for a lifetime.

Chen Huian also said that Chen Feng would work in the group after graduation.

No way!

Xu Ze sneered: "let Mr. Chen know you. I'm afraid that none of you here will have this blessing."

Xu Zeping had always been unruly and straightforward, because he came out early and began to take over the business of his family. His insight and courage were almost at the top level among his peers.

Therefore, the people present, can let him look at three points, a finger can count.

Therefore, sometimes he would be short of consideration, just like what he said just now, but he forgot that there was a big man present.

"Xu Mingzhi really has a good son! With such a big tone of voice, is it possible that even I don't have this blessing? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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