What he was angry about was not that minglan group had donated 10 million yuan in the name of a farmer born person. What he was angry about was that the boy had no identity background, but from Xu Ze's point of view, he was like a big figure in a provincial level. He did not admit his mistake, bow his head, or explain it.

That said, it seems to be a matter of course, a kind of glory in it.

I don't know that Chen Feng's performance, in the eyes of all people, is already a kind of ignorance.

You're a farmer born man. You can come to the dinner party.

Where on earth did this come from? Could minglan group donate 10 million yuan? Or in his capacity?

"Xu Ze, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer, you minglan group will not want to develop in the city this year!" Dai Zhongpeng said coldly.

Xu Ze's face was pale.

Minglan group is still rooted in Qinling city for the time being. If Dai Zhongpeng is really in trouble, minglan group will not want to grow.

Another thing is that at this kind of party at the upper class level, there suddenly appeared such a person who had no identity background or even played tricks on everyone and took such a serious donation party as a place of amusement. This simply made many people feel disgusted and indifferent.

They hold their own dignity, and the people who come here often have tens of millions of dollars. How can such a young man be allowed to fish in troubled waters?

Xu Ze was so anxious that he didn't really know how to explain it.

Does Chen Feng have a family background? Of course not.

Does Chen Feng have an identity? either.

And Xu Ze only knows that Chen Feng and Tianshui City, as well as the three northern provinces have a relationship!

Because of this, he flattered Chen Feng, and donated money in the name of Chen Feng. In a disguised way, he courted Chen Feng so that the rich men in Tianshui City and the three northern provinces could take care of them.

But now it seemed that he doubted his judgment.

Chen Feng is good to know fan Chen, but he is so far away from the northeast. This is the south!

A person wants to stand firm, the most important thing is a person's wealth.

Xu Ze only knew that Chen Feng was very powerful in the underground arena competition of the four provinces and cities in the East China Sea, but it was force!

The so-called force may frighten people in a certain situation, but today, in almost all modern occasions, it depends on rights and background!

By contrast, he began to feel that Chen Feng's confidence was really too insufficient.

Xu Ze was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

Chen Feng light way: "farmer, again how?"

Dai Zhongpeng was so angry that he couldn't speak. The faces of all the people present were cold and sarcastic.

At this time, the door to greet the guests shouting: "Le'an city Wei Shao to!"

As soon as the welcoming guest opened his mouth, he immediately broke the immersion.

Everyone was surprised.

"Le'an city in Zhongdu province? How did people from the southwest come to our Qinling mountains? "

According to the administrative division of the whole country, Le'an city is only a fourth tier city, and it is a medium-sized city in Zhongdu province. Over the years, Le'an city has developed by relying on tourism.

Qinling city belongs to the upstream in the third tier cities.

"Wei Shao? Is it not the son of Wei Baoji, mayor of Le'an city? "

Many people are looking at each other, feel very strange.

The economy of Zhongdu province is not among the best in China. Even the provincial capital city is only a second tier city, which can not be compared with Nanshan province.

Therefore, even though Wei Baoji and Dai Zhongpeng, the mayors of Leshan City, are also at the main hall level, Qinling city is far behind Le'an city in terms of urban economic development.

"I'm looking for mayor Dai, right?"

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