In any case, Wei Shao is the mayor's son. Although Dai Zhongpeng and mayor Wei do not have any intersection, they have met each other in a friendly way.

And Qinling city and Leshan City have some tourism projects cooperation.

See Wei Shao in the crowd of bodyguards came in.

Both Dai Zhongpeng and Wei Baoji are mayors. However, Qinling city is a third tier city in terms of economy, which is stronger than Leshan City. In addition, Wei Baoji's son comes to visit them in Qinling, which means that the subordinates visit the top leaders.

He himself was angry, but when he saw Wei Shao come, he put away a trace of anger and looked cold and proud, waiting for Wei Shao to say hello.

Wei Shaoyi came in and looked left and right. When he saw one of the figures, he quickly walked over.

When Wei Shao saw Chen Feng, he was overjoyed and exclaimed, "Chen Da Happy new year, Mr. Chen! I have found you at last

All of a sudden, people in the whole venue were stunned. Dai Zhongpeng's face was stunned, and he immediately sank.

Chen Feng frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

How can Chen Feng not know Wei Shao?

When I was in Leshan City, I met his father.

At this time, Wei Shao's face was full of smile, as if he had seen some big man. He said with a smile: "yes, Chen Da Mr. Chen, this is Xiao Wei

All the people were shocked. A mayor's son called himself Xiao Wei?

What's more, you know Chen Feng?

"How did you find it?" Chen Feng asked.

"On the first day of the new year's day, I'm here to pay New Year's greetings to you! Originally, I went to Mr. Chen's house, but Chen's father said that you had come out to attend a donation dinner party. After many inquiries, I knew that I was here. "

Chen Feng suddenly.

When he didn't know that, since then, his reputation has been resounding throughout Leshan City. I don't know how many senior officials and rich people want to see Chen Feng to see feng shui casting.

At that time, Wei Shao marveled at Chen Feng's miraculous skill of stamping his feet and drawing all the fish in the whole chiliu river.

But since then, Chen Feng has disappeared, no one knows what this young man came from.

But Wei Shao, because of his distrust of Chen Feng, made him and his father think more and more regretful. Therefore, Wei Shao intended to go up the mountain to find Bi Yuan again, kneeling on the left and begging on the right, so that Bi Yuan could tell that Chen Feng was from Qinling Mountains.

Wei Shao was overjoyed. After investigation, he found out the identity of Chen Feng. Then he made a special plane to visit Chen Feng on the first day of the lunar new year.

How can Chen Feng not know what Wei Shao is thinking, he does not point out.

Dai Zhongpeng was left in the air. To tell the truth, his face became very ugly.

"Well, who is this? What a familiar face. "

Wei Shao then found that all the people were sitting. Chen Feng and Dai Zhongpeng were standing, and the latter's face did not seem very good-looking. Looking at the atmosphere, it seemed that they were confronting Chen Feng or something.

"Are you Wei Chengxin?" Dai Zhongpeng cold tunnel.

Wei Chengxin is Wei Shao's name. When he heard someone say his tutor, Wei Shao was angry: "it's me. Who are you?"

Immediately he looked at Chen Feng's indifferent response and asked, "Mr. Chen, they don't know you?"

"Hiss ~ ~"

most people are stunned.

Chen Feng is a farmer born child! How does it look like a big man?

Even Dai Zhongpeng was so surprised that Wei Chengxin paid such a compliment to the so-called Mr. Chen. Is his background really so great? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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