Gao Zhaojie was astonished for a while, pondered for a while, way: "this wants to ask small hang."

LV hang thought for a long time and said to himself, "the group has been operating well in the past half year, and its profit has increased several times. However, the financial director reported several accounts at the end of the year, and the amount was tens of millions. It seems that there is something wrong with it..."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Hang's face changed and he Yuhong was staring at him. Suddenly, a trace of panic appeared in the latter.

Although Gao Zhaojie has the appearance of an upstart, he is kind and kind, but he is able to sit on the position of chairman of the board of directors. His heart, vision, courage and overall situation can not be compared by younger generations.

Chen Feng was so reminded, his face moved, immediately called: "Xiaohang, call the financial department immediately, check it for me! I want to know who handled these accounts and where they are going

He Yuhong finally panicked and was shaking all over.

And Gao Zhaojie's words immediately caused many people to shake in secret.

They are not stupid. According to the reaction of Gao Zhaojie and he Yuhong, it is likely that he Yuhong embezzled public funds!

If it is, it is a crime!

"Somebody, take him down and take good care of him. If I find out, you will spend your next life in prison." Gao Zhaojie was surprised and angry.

In fact, there is no need to check, he Yuhong that has no resistance, has a sad face, all people have seen.

"Didn't he buy a mansion this year? It's tens of millions there. I'll tell you how he got so much money. "

"Yes, it may be embezzlement. It's against the law."

He Yuhong has been pulled out by the security guard, along with He Xiang already looks like soil, shivering all over, eager to get into the cracks in the ground.

People at the dinner party couldn't help but sigh.

A high-ranking personage has come to such an end today.

The atmosphere of the venue once fell into a strange situation. He Yuhong has lost his power. No one will stand up to speak for him, even Dai Zhongpeng.

And he Yuhong has broken the law nine out of ten. Who will stand up?

He family can have such a big face in Qinling, depends on he Yuhong outside with a good boss, all the top people in Qinling city will go to flatter him.

But now?

He Yuhong is no longer the general manager of Huafei group. Do they still need to flatter?

The answer is No.

People are so realistic, especially in shopping malls, everything is to benefit first.

However, many people are surprised, how does Chen Feng know he Yuhong embezzled public funds?

Isn't that amazing?

The way they looked at Chen Feng was incredible.

Chen Feng is also too lazy to explain so much. He Yuhong is greedy. In addition, he has a red face and is annoyed with gold. Obviously, he has a lot to do with money. It is easy to associate him with his position in the company.

Gao Zhaojie was grateful for helping his group remove a pest. He bowed his hand to Chen Feng and said, "Mr. Chen, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't have caught the black sheep. Originally, I was paying you a new year's visit. Instead, I asked Mr. Chen to solve the problem for me. I didn't bring any gifts. Today, we Huafei group will donate 200 million yuan in the name of Mr. Chen."

200 million!

Although it has been speculated that Gao Zhaojie will donate money in the name of Mr. Chen again, the 200 million yuan figure exploded, which still ignited the whole audience.

200 million Right?

The rich bosses present seemed to feel some blush.

In front of the big man in Tianshui City, his own property seems to be like a child!

It's 200 million!

Each one is bigger than the other!

Chen Jinxing did not know what language to describe. Besides Chen Yajing, the faces of Chen Jinxing and Chen Zehui were trembling.

Most of the big guys from Donghai are here.

Chen Feng is respected in Donghai.

30 million, 80 million, 100 million, 200 million

Chen Feng's status is enough to make them look up to the point.

Wanzhang's light is falling on Chen Feng's body, let him become today's most noticeable existence.

All of a sudden, Chen Feng became the focus of attention. Everyone in the younger generation showed a kind of fear, wonder, anger, suspicion and deep eyes towards Chen Feng.

Numerous complex emotions are diffused to Chen Feng's body.

But in the face of the arrival of the two big men around him, he is still talking and smiling, calm and calm.

It seems that these big men are no different from ordinary people in front of him.

I thought the dinner would end like this, but who knows, there is a sound coming up at the door of the welcome --

"Yanjing, Major General Qian is here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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