"Major General Qian? Is Yanjing's money family? "

As soon as the name appeared, the faces of several big men in the East China Sea were moved. They looked at each other, explained and saw the surprise in their eyes.

Even Dai Zhongpeng could calm down when he saw several big men in the East China Sea, but when he heard the name, he was trembling all over.

The whole dinner party, this time, was really blown up by a heavy bomb.

"The three big families in Yanjing? Those three generations are all military families. Do they have many ranks in the central theater? "

"Major General Qian? Is Qian Zhongyue the second leader of the Qian family? My God, this is a big man in the army! Why come to Qinling again? "

countless people are talking about it in succession. Now, you are not a big business man!

That is a legendary figure in the army. He has a high position in the army, which is much higher than all the big men in the East China Sea!

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked and looked up at the door.

Dai Zhongpeng immediately stood up and muttered to himself, "how can you come to Qinling city?"

In general, the troops in the central part of the country will not come to the south at all because they will come from the troops of the southern war zone!

"Shua Shua!"

The eyes of the whole audience suddenly fell on a young man. Yes, this man is Chen Feng.

"Are you looking for me again Mr. Chen's? "

Can a major general be sent to the south to pay New Year's greetings?

They can't imagine the identity of Mr. Chen.

You let a big man in Donghai give you New Year's greetings, which has made all the people present look up to you.

You let almost all the big men in Donghai give you New Year's greetings and say that they respect you. It's not just looking up, they just think it's two levels of people.

But now, a major general has come!

"My God, Chen Feng is going to ascend to heaven! This is the big man Pan Guangle muttered.

Shock again and again, in return is a shock again and again, and then become numb.

But again and again numbness, is still by this money major general's visit to stir up a hundred meters wave again.

But there was a man on the table, with a frown and a cold face. This man was Yan Xiaoxiao.

Her reaction was not fright, but coldness, with little response.

After a while, a group of people finally appeared at the door.

The leader was tall and tall, and he walked in a solemn and rigorous manner, just like Mount Tai. All the people on the scene couldn't help moving.

Smart, sharp eyes deep, contains a powerful atmosphere.

Behind this man, there are several very dignified people, whose faces are full of calmness, glare and breath like iron towers.

All soldiers!

Some big men are quick to recognize what they know.

Ordinary soldiers and sergeants can't have such an aura at all. They can see that their rank is not low.

"General Qian, if you come here, you will be welcome far away." Dai Zhongpeng immediately welcomed him up.

Qian Zhongyue's arrival made the three big men in the East China Sea stand up one after another.


Qian Zhongyue's aura is too great.

If Gao Zhaojie, fan Zhihong and Su Sheng are the overlords standing on the top of the building overlooking the sea, Qian Zhongyue is the general who looks at the small mountains on the high mountains.

Qian Zhongyue nodded and was walking in front of him. He went straight to Chen Feng's desk.

How did he come?

Chen Feng heart move, this is completely out of his expectation.

He and Yanjing Qian family have nothing to do with each other, and even have a trace of gratitude and resentment.

Yes, he and Qian Yurong have a lot of grudges.

For Qian Zhongyue, Chen Feng has only seen in the last Yang family competition.

"General Qian."

Even Gao Zhaojie, Su Sheng and fan Zhihong, who were in high positions, also called.

Qian Zhongyue is wearing a Tang suit today, but it seems graceful and simple. Otherwise, if he wears a military uniform with a star on his shoulder, then the whole audience will have to salute.

"Oh, you are here too! I'm here to find Chen Feng. "

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