Dai Zhongpeng, a mayor of a third tier city, was totally ignored in the past. However, he was a general of the army, and his title was much higher than his own.

"It's terrible. It's terrible. I'm looking for Mr. Chen again. A major general from the central theater has come. Is this going to happen?"

What this scene represents, no one can't imagine.

At first, they thought that Chen Feng was a rich family and a young man. Several big men in the East China Sea had to give full face. Now the major generals of other military regions have come.

Is this a war?

Most of the rich children and even the big and old people who were present had never seen such a scene at all.

Chen Feng slowly stood up. He and Qian Yurong had a grudge, but he had no intersection with Qian Zhongyue.

He certainly can't put on airs when people come all the way to look for him.

People in the army have always been the most respected by the people. Who is not afraid to defend the country, defend the border areas, and still have huge military power? Who is disrespectful?

"Major General Qian, I don't know what's the matter with you Chen Feng asked.

Chen Feng's attitude was neither submissive nor timid. On the contrary, he seemed to be leisurely, but was the same as his peers.

This scene can't help but make the people present are stunned. Mr. Chen is really a character!

Chen Jinxing trembled, and Chen Zehui also trembled. Chen Yajing opened his mouth and was surprised.

How could Chen Feng talk to a major general on an equal footing?

How could this be possible!

Chen Zehui's whole person seems to have fallen into the abyss, that kind of look up, powerless feeling arises spontaneously.

"Qian Zhongyue reached the rank of major general in his forties. How many years will it take me to reach the level of detailed discussion with his peers? decade? Twenty years? Or Not for a lifetime? "

Chen Zehui's heart was full of despair, and a miserable smile was shown on his face.

He always thought that he only felt that he was a young talent in Qinling city. It would be sooner or later to take over Chen's group. One day, he would surpass Chen Jinxing's status.

But he was wrong, perhaps, his life, also can not reach Chen Feng's height.

Chen Jinxing only felt that his imagination had been greatly impacted. He did not want to believe that all this was true, but the facts were in front of him.

Don't say that he is not qualified to make friends with those big men in the East China Sea. Qian Zhongyue is far away from him.

"Chen Feng, it turns out that you are hiding so deep..."

"It's no wonder that you had such a solid foundation at the dinner table. It turns out that you are even better than me."

"Chen Feng, you are right. We are really watching the sky from the well..."

Chen Yajing suddenly felt that their Chen family, their Chen group, in front of Chen Feng, was simply a joke.

The clown on the dining table, who questioned in public and despised all the people of the Chen family, now, like a mountain, they have to flinch.

Qian Zhongyue's face was indifferent, and he had already looked down on these compliments of fame and fortune.

At this time, Yan Xiaoxiao stood up. Her height and high-heeled shoes were more than 1.8 meters, almost as red as a rose on an iceberg.

"Hello, General Qian." Although Yan Xiaoxiao looked indifferent, he still said hello.

It's a kind of respect, a kind of salute.

Although they are not in the same theater, they are much lower than Qian Zhongyue in terms of military rank.

"Oh, Xiaoxiao, are you here, too?"

Qian Zhongyue frowned. He was more surprised than surprised and appeared to have some doubts.

"General Qian, I don't know Mr. Chen. I just came to the dinner party."

"Oh," Qian Zhongyue nodded, relaxed, and said faintly, "young people should suffer some setbacks. You still have a long way to go. If you fail this time, you can do it next time."

Everyone is in the clouds, even Chen Feng is secretly surprised, what riddles are they playing?

But Yan Xiaoxiao listened. Although he was not reconciled in his eyes, he said in a deep voice: "yes, I will remember the instruction of General Qian."

Qian Zhongyue no longer put his eyes on Yan Xiaoxiao, but on Chen Feng. His eyes suddenly became sharp and said in an irresistible way: "Chen Feng, I don't beat around the bush. Today I come to see you specially. In fact, I want to invite you to join our special forces in the war zone."

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