Join the theater special forces!

Many people present were surprised.

Special forces do not have to go through a series of physical examination, testing and assessment before they can enter?

How can you casually say join?

Most importantly, isn't Mr. Chen a big shot in the business world?

Why is it related to the special forces again?

What is the identity of this man?

They felt as if they had heard it wrong.

The special forces are the elite in the army. When a major general comes down, he specially solicits them to join?

Of course, they are not stupid. If Mr. Chen has no certain ability, it is impossible for a major general to come forward in person.

When Qian Zhongyue said this, more people expressed surprise.

However, Gao Zhaojie, Su Sheng, fan Zhihong, Mr. Le, LV hang, fan Chen, their hearts trembled, as if thinking of something.

The three big men all looked at each other and saw the surprise in their eyes. It seemed that they had guessed their own ideas.

"With the strength of master Chen, it's really overkill to join the special forces!"

"Qian Zhongyue must have taken a fancy to master Chen's strength. Is this special force, that one?"

Think of here, a few big men are pour out a cool breath, have looked at Chen Feng one after another.

Pan Guangle, Qiu Wenquan and He Lian met Chen Feng's powerful means. When they were in the resort, they were stunned.

Didn't expect that someone would appreciate Chen Feng so soon?

Not to mention he Lian, the name Qian Zhongyue is very famous in the central war zone, even in the whole Chinese army, Qian family and Qian Zhongyue.

Of course, the nature of the Qian family is the same as that of the Yan Family in the south, but the Yan family is slightly stronger.

Of course, Chen Feng was able to talk and laugh with so many big men, and even talked with Qian Zhongyue's peers. This made Qiu Wenquan, pan Guangle and He Lian feel that there is light and honor on their faces.

"Chen Feng, why don't you talk to General Qian Talking, is a young man, eyes like hawks and falcons, only one look, like a mouse in the night, nowhere to escape.

"No need." Chen Feng said directly.

The young man frowned, as if unhappy.

When Chen Feng opened his mouth, almost everyone took a breath. Facing such a person, Mr. Chen really dared to speak!

The young man seemed to be trying to persuade. After all, it was not suitable to talk in this venue.

"Pony." Qian Zhongyue called softly. The young man named Xiaoma stopped talking and stood straight behind him.

Qian Zhongyue had a light smile on his face, but his eyes were on Chen Feng. He said, "Chen Feng, he will make the right choice."

Gao Zhaojie, Su Sheng and fan Zhihong held their breath. Maybe not many people heard that, but Qian Zhongyue's words already had some threatening elements!

The words are calm and kind, but in fact, it is like a feather floating slowly up and down high. It is extremely light. When the feather falls down, there is a big mountain!

Qian Zhongyue came to Qinling city with a high status and a low attitude in order to recruit Chen Feng.

He appreciated Chen Feng's force, and after the Yang family's competition, he never forgot.

With Qian's position in the central war zone and Qian Zhongyue's prestige, he knew Chen Feng knew what he was talking about.

Ordinary special forces can use him. Can Qian Zhongyue come down in person?

Ordinary physical fitness table, suitable for people into the special forces with him, Qian Zhongyue personally recruited?

Let's not say that Su Sheng, Gao Zhaojie and fan Zhihong all know that even Dai Zhongpeng, Chen Jinxing and Pang Haocheng have thought of something.

This is not an ordinary recruitment.

However, there is a person, Yan Xiaoxiao, with some dignified eyes, staring at Chen Feng.

How could she not know what Qian Zhongyue was talking about, and her feeling of Chen Feng turned to shock.

Who is Chen Feng and Mr. Chen!!

After a long time, Chen Feng replied lightly --

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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