Unknowingly, the temperature of the venue seems to have been blown by a cold wind. Suddenly, all of a sudden, all of them were shivering.

This curtain fell in the eyes of those present. All of them were like ice sculptures in the snow. They were not only unable to move, but also breathed quickly.

Chen Feng even questioned Qian Zhongyue!

Qian Zhongyue sneered: "I just want to tell you that to be a man, you should judge the situation and miss this opportunity. No matter how high you jump in the future, your achievements will be limited."

Leaving this sentence, Qian Zhongyue is to leave, Chen Feng chuckles, also no longer refutes.

"Limited achievement?"

"I practice the orthodox method of cultivating truth, and I've been practicing it for a long time. I don't care about a special organization, even if I'm a general."

"Is my ability something that you ordinary people can judge?"

After that, Chen Feng also felt that there was no need to stay at the dinner party.

Chen Feng shook his head and ignored the eyes of all the people on the spot. He just left.

Su Sheng, Gao Zhaojie and fan Zhihong are all on the top.

The lighting of the venue has been turned on. When Chen Feng passed the middle table and walked towards the door, Mrs. Pang exclaimed --

"I remember, Haocheng, he is the miracle doctor who cured you!"


Once again, the whole audience was in an uproar, and Pang Haocheng was shocked. Chen Jinxing and Chen Zehui were already pale and despairing. But this time, the two father and son finally sat on the table, their minds were blank.

"Is he the miracle doctor? The miracle doctor who cured Pang Haocheng? Oh, My God! He has been hiding his identity for so long

"He is not only a miracle doctor, but also knows some big men in Donghai. Let them pay New Year's greetings and show respect to them!"

"More than 400 million yuan has been donated in the name of Mr. Chen."

"Not only that, but even General Qian from Yanjing can talk with his peers, calm and calm without fear of majesty."

"I remember that General Qian called him Chen Feng

For a time, Chen Feng's name, immediately in the entire Qinling City, like a whirlwind, swept through the circle of the upper class.

Of course, at the same time, all the major media, newspapers and magazines, and all kinds of new media all contributed 410 million yuan to Mr. Chen in nominal terms!

Pan Guangle, Qiu Wenquan and He Lian felt that their faces were full of luster.

Ruan Yi and Shang Yifei are totally shocked.

This and he Xiang high school classmate, background contacts, big so terrible!

And for Yan Xiaoxiao, looking at the way to leave, her heart if there is thinking, in the eyes of a trace of strange look.

The person who can let Qian Zhongyue come down to recruit him in person and refuse him is by no means an ordinary person in terms of contacts, courage and strength.

"Chen Feng? I think I have to look into you. "

After leaving the top of the building, Su Sheng and his colleagues immediately ordered people to pack the presidential suite and let them go to discuss.

At this time, Gao Zhaojie, Su Sheng, fan Zhihong and the three overlords of the East China Sea all came.

Other assistants and others were waiting outside the door.

All three seemed to be wandering in Qian Zhongyue's words just now.

Chen Feng took the lead to break the calm, light way: "don't look like a mourning, I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of."

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