Chen Feng of course can see what they are thinking.

The Qian family is the Yanjing three big families, or the military family, in the army is very prestige.

Before that, he still doubted whether the Qian family might have something to do with the army.

After all, the army is not in Yanjing, and the Qian family is such a deep-rooted military family. Even if it is related, it is normal.

"Master Chen, it seems that you have also thought of it." Su Sheng looked at Chen Feng and asked.

"Well, although I don't know what he's up to, I should be invited to join an organization that is not simple, or even military."

"Army gate!"

Three face slightly a change, can't believe to look at Chen Feng.

"Master Chen, you You know the army gate, too? " Gao Zhaojie's face changed.

Fan Zhihong turned his lips and said, "master Chen is skillful in means and powerful in force. It's not surprising to know! Mr. Gao, you are so scared by Qian Zhongyue. "

Gao Zhaojie wiped the sweat on his forehead and said with a wry smile, "I've only heard about the military gate a little, but I don't know it's true."

Tianshui City has always been at the bottom of the sea trade. Therefore, in terms of character, even though Gao Zhaojie has the highest price among the three, he is still inferior to Su Sheng and fan Zhihong in terms of insight and courage.

Fan Zhihong's ancestors were officials fighting against pirates and bandits in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In terms of knowledge, he knew nothing about domestic affairs, but he was still a little afraid.

"This military gate is very mysterious. Qian Zhongyue's elder brother is the general in the military gate, so the Qian family and the military gate are closely related."

Su Sheng pondered: "in this way, Qian Zhongyue is interested in master Chen's strength, so he will come to attract him?"

Chen Feng sneered: "what to attract? In fact, it is to cultivate them into puppets and chessmen of the Qian family."

Immediately he said what happened in the Yang family that day.

On top of the Yang family's martial arts competition, Qian Zhongyue's arrival was to select qualified Yang's children for further study in the army.

Now it seems that where to enter the army, I'm afraid it is to enter the army for training.

Chen Feng met Han Yang of the military gate, the talented Hua Yuan, and even the terrible General of existence. He knew that these people were not ordinary people, and they were terrible.

If you cultivate a person, it will be a powerful killer.

Of course, how can they know? Actually, Chen Feng has another consideration -

Yes, it is housekeeper.

He had some enmities with the army. I'm afraid Qian Zhongyue didn't know about it. However, although the relationship between him and the housekeeper was not friendly, at least he maintained a kind of neutrality and even had a slight contact.

Because he knew Tong Zhijie and Tong Yanhong, and the housekeeper didn't kill Chen Feng because his "dark sword" task failed. To some extent, the housekeeper had saved Chen Feng's life.

He knew that the reason why the housekeeper did this was because he wanted to recruit himself.

Mo said that before Chen Feng's strength is weak, very few "immortal family" help, he did not choose to join the housekeeper.

Now, with his deeper understanding of strength, he will not join in.

"At most, I can only be a friend or something." Chen Feng thought.

If it is about the degree of favor, the housekeeper is better than the army.

At least some of the military's ways of doing things upset him.

"Let's put it down for the time being. It's no more than three things. Qian Zhongyue is a character. He won't try to win me over. Of course, he won't embarrass me too much unless I really affect their interests." Chen Feng makes such an analysis.

His strength is strong, but he thinks that China is so huge that he is not the only one.

"The meaning of drunkard is not wine. I'm afraid it's not just new year's greetings for the three of you." Chen Feng looked at the three people with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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