In the name of their own in the East China Sea, the three people came to pay New Year's greetings. Of course, they were awed by their own force and what they had done for the East China Sea.

However, with a wave of the big hand, it is not easy to donate tens of millions of millions in the name of Mr. Chen.

So Chen Feng guessed that they may have encountered some problems.

The three looked at each other, and Gao Zhaojie said with an embarrassed smile: "it's really impossible to hide from master Chen. In fact, new year's greetings are only one of the reasons. Another reason is that we want master Chen to help us solve a problem."

Fan Zhihong snatched the words and said, "I'll tell you. Our East China Sea route, in fact, is the Yellow Sea route. In the early years, we all sailed out from the north to the East China Sea and went south to do business with the island countries in Southeast Asia. Later, it was too poor and East and North Asia rose, so we transferred the route. It has been called the fourth East China Sea by the outside world Provinces and cities. "

Chen Feng suddenly said that he was surprised when he heard about the four provinces and cities in the East China Sea. After all, the East China Sea is in East China, but the three northern provinces, Jidong Province, Jiangnan province and Tianshui city should be the Yellow Sea.

"And then, eh?"

"Ten years ago, we started to do business with the southern, northern and Oriental dynasties in Northeast Asia. Of course, most of them are with the Oriental countries. But now there is a problem. Every year before the summer and after the Spring Festival, pirates on the sea of the East Asian countries are rampant. Our freighters go to sea ten times, and at least three or four times are robbed. This is a great deal for us Loss. "

Chen Feng frowned and said, "what else? Your group should be regarded as a half state-owned enterprise according to reason. They dare to rob your ship? "

"That's the problem."

Fan Zhihong immediately became angry and said, "these pirates are a rising force in the Oriental countries. After our freighters go out to sea, there can be no navy guarding them all the time. Therefore, in general, no one will hijack these trade contacts so boldly, unless they are pirates."

"Last year alone, the total loss of all our routes exceeded 5 billion, which is a large amount of trade." Su Sheng said in a deep voice.

Gao zhaojielian said: "yes, out of the Yellow Sea, it is the Western Pacific, which is under the jurisdiction of the Oriental countries. Those pirates are sure to start their operations at the border. When the Navy arrives, they have already fled. We have no place to say."

"Yes, pirates are rising in the East Asia, but they will not admit it, and it has nothing to do with it. These guys were beaten by my ancestors in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. I didn't expect that they would come back from the dead and still be so rampant! " Fan Zhihong looks very angry.

"So you miss me..." Chen Feng asked lightly.

Pirates are rampant in the world's oceans, which is really a historical problem that cannot be eliminated.

It is as if there is light there will be darkness, there will be white will be black, there will be rich people will not have poor people.

"At that time, we would like to invite master Chen to go out to sea with us." Fan Zhihong looks forward to Chen Feng.

Now the four provinces and cities are headed by Chen Feng. These groups have something to do. To some extent, Chen Feng is also responsible.

Is it hard for adults to compliment you and respect you just by saying it verbally?

Chen Feng of course can pat the buttocks, so get rid of the relationship with himself, can he?

Of course he can.

However, he thought of another serious problem. Chen Feng was very clever. He seemed to have guessed something. He said to himself: "modern pirates are not the same weapons that used to be joined together and wield swords and guns. As far as I know, it's either a bullet gun or a heavy weapon. With my current strength, modern weapons can easily kill me. Is there anything else you haven't said? "

In this way, the faces of the three are strange , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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