Su Sheng said directly, "they are not ordinary people."

"Not ordinary people?"

Fan Zhihong looked at Chen Feng and said, "strictly speaking, their leader is not an ordinary person."

Chen Feng's heart moved, not ordinary people, asked: "is it a ninja?"

Gao Zhaojie was stunned: "is there really a ninja in Toyo

They all looked at Chen Feng in surprise, and the latter said, "since we have warriors in China, why can't we have ninjas in Japan? Let's not say that the Oriental countries and even Southeast Asia have powerful head demographers. Maybe other countries also have talents. "

Su Sheng and Gao Zhaojie take a deep breath, but fan Zhihong looks thoughtful.

Fan Zhihong pondered: "it turns out that it is true. According to our genealogy, it is said that the former Japanese pirates were the ancestors of the Japanese warriors. Some of the powerful warriors were flying in the sky and hiding from the earth. They were supernatural. They came and went without a trace. At that time, I thought it was a legend, but I didn't think it was true."

"What's the matter with those pirates you're talking about, not ordinary people?" Chen Feng asked.

Su Sheng took a deep breath and said, "well, the captain and crew of our ship didn't even understand what was going on. When they saw the leader of the pirate who was like an ancient warlock, they fell into a coma. When they woke up, all the money on board was transferred, and so on."

"Draw charms and chants, warlocks?" Chen ruofeng frowns.

According to what he knows, the only Japanese who have extraordinary strength are ninjas.

Isn't it the way of those warlocks in China, or the Taoist method of Maoshan ghost Valley?

Is there any other mysterious power in Toyo?

The crew members mentioned by Su Sheng were so confused that they fell into a coma, and then there was nothing on their clothes.

Chen Feng then asked, "did the crew have any casualties?"

"No, none, it's a strange place. Another is that they did not use guns and guns, but held swords. Over the years, they robbed all our goods and materials, but no one was injured or killed. Because of this, the official can't control it at all, and they don't know how to manage it. "

Yes, I met the so-called pirates inexplicably, and then I was in a coma for no reason. Finally, I woke up with nothing.

Who's going to argue with this? Who are you going to talk to?

"How do you know that they are pirates from the East Asia?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Because of the Oriental language they speak." Gao Zhaojie said.

Fan Zhihong immediately frowned and said, "I'm surprised. Are there pirates who do this? If you don't kill, you'll intercept the cargo. According to the description of the crew, they are all dressed in a kind of Robe like Samurai uniform of the East

Su Sheng shook his head, helpless and indifferent, and said, "because of this, it is not right for us to get out of the boat, or not to get out of the boat."

Chen Feng nodded to show understanding.

If you don't get out of the ship, then trade with foreign countries will have to stop. Of course, this is not feasible.

However, although the official will not send navy to protect the ship, no matter how it is said, these pirates will not kill people. From a certain point of view, they are safe.

"So you took your chances?" Chen Feng picks to pass eyebrow, light ground says.

Gao Zhaojie said with a wry smile: "you can't do anything without luck. Profits outweigh losses. But there is another point. These people seem to know the direction and time of our departure. They always stop our cargo at the junction on time. The most strange thing is that if they leave the ship ten times a month, they will definitely meet them three or four times. "


Chen Feng eyebrows a pick, suddenly smile.

"Is there a way to steal? It's interesting. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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