"What about that? I must have come to seek revenge from master Chen! " Gao Zhaojie seems to be afraid.

As soon as you hear it, this man named Xing Zhifei is definitely more powerful than Tongli.

More than 100 kilometers away, how come you came from the bay island? Is this the neglect of waves and sea breeze?

This is already very divine!

And also destroyed a marine police ship, which is a bit too scary.

Chen Feng listened, but there is no experience at all, eyes are still so ancient.

Instead, he asked, "no one died?"

The three big men are all dumbfounded. What they care about now should be the strength of the people who come here!

And it's obvious that I'm looking for you! How to appear as if nothing had happened, but pay attention to other places!?

There is a saying called what, the emperor is not anxious, eunuchs are anxious, they are now such psychology.

If the man really killed him, although Chen Feng was killed, on the one hand, there would be no security in the East China Sea, and no one would suppress it. Secondly, the pirates would still be rampant and return to the previous situation.

However, seeing Chen Feng's determined appearance, Su Sheng still replied: "no one died. If the coast guard really died, I'm afraid the official would have questioned Wan Dao. Because of this, the news is temporarily blocked and the relevant departments have begun to investigate. "

"It's good that there is no dead man, but that man is clever. He knows that he can't make too much trouble to kill me, otherwise I will be very difficult to kill him." Chen Feng nodded with a smile.

It's good that there's no dead body!

If someone dies, I'm afraid there will be chaos!

But the three of them were stunned. Is master Chen crazy? They're all going to kill us. They're still talking and laughing.

Chen Feng looked at them, and then asked them with the first sentence: "I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of?"

"Shao Hefeng is a martial arts master. Even if he is a big disciple this time, he has great strength and will not master Wudao. As long as he is not a martial master, no one can kill me. If I say so, are you stable?" Chen Feng said lightly.

When he said this, the three men were relieved.

Su Sheng solemn and upright: "although Chen is so confident, we can not wait for death. What I have in Nanshan and Qinling Mountains is already full of eyeliner. If there is any news, they will inform me for the first time."

Chen Feng nodded and talked to the three people for a while, then sent them away.

After all, it's the Spring Festival. Chen Feng doesn't want to create a festive atmosphere.

It's time to celebrate the festival or to have a holiday. It's better to stay with your family. If you have anything, you can wait until after the Spring Festival.

The third day of the new year.

According to the custom here, people on this day usually don't go out, just because it's easy to quarrel with others and make officials angry, so most people will stay at home.

So it's basically the custom of getting up late. Chen Feng practiced all year round and had a good sleep. There seemed to be conversation in the hall.

"Maple, get up quickly. You have friends coming to see you." Chen Mu came in with the stars in her eyes.

Chen Feng Zheng next, to Chen's mother this way, it is estimated that the woman is no doubt.

"Who's looking for me?" Chen Feng asked.

"I don't know. That girl is so tall and tall, she looks as good as the girl you brought back last time! Did you know another one outside? " Chen asked with an expectant look.

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said, "I know more girls."

"Ah?" Chen's mother was surprised, "you Do you learn from others

Chen Feng joked: "is it difficult that I only know men outside?"

It is said that Chen Feng will Miss Tang Xiaoxuan every new year and festival.

Tang Xiaoxuan has been away for a few months. He doesn't know where Tang Xiaoxuan has gone or when she will come back. But at this time, Chen Feng will miss her.

People are not sages, how can they not have seven passions and six desires?

Chen's mother said with a smile, "I'm really playing with my mother. Go out and have a look."

Out of the room, Chen Feng also knew who it was.

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