This man is Yan Xiaoxiao, the eldest lady of Yan family.

Yan Xiaoxiao is wearing a lot of low-key today, a dark brown leather boots, wearing a pair of slim jeans, the complete curve of the whole long leg is undoubtedly revealed.

The upper body is still a woolen coat, but changed into a low-key brown, young and very temperament.

Although Yan Xiaoxiao was a member of the army, his makeup was exquisite and the shade was moderate. His almost perfect face was the embodiment of goddess.

Yan Xiaoxiao sat in the hall and talked to Chen Yiping. After seeing Chen Feng, he took a look at him. There was something different in his eyes.

"Chen Feng."

"Miss Yan, here you are." Chen Feng nodded.

Chen's mother made an effort to wink at Chen Yiping. The latter suddenly got up and said, "Oh, to me, the door of the seven aunts next door seems to be broken. I'll go and repair it."

"I'll go and see it, too."

When Chen Yiping and his wife left, they were encouraged to look at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shakes his head and smiles, which parents are not like this?

"They are not disrespectful, Miss Yan." Chen Feng sits down with a smile.

"No, Chen's father and mother are very kind."

Yan Xiaoxiao did not have that night's indifference, also did not have that kind of sad face.

Although she didn't smile, she showed a kind of temperament, a modern and solemn temperament on a natural high-level face without any processing.

Chen Feng has rarely seen the temperament beauty. Tang Xiaoxuan was born with the family influence, and there is an indescribable iceberg temperament.

Shangguanling is an ancient and steady temperament.

Yan Xiaoxiao is another.

"Why are you looking at me all the time? Is it on my face?"

In fact, Yan Xiaoxiao and Chen Feng are almost the same age. However, she was influenced by the military family since childhood, and her insight has made her temperament far more mature than ordinary people.

But she is still a blooming girl!

Being looked at like this, it seems that some blush, especially this young man named Chen Feng!

Don't know how, Yan Xiaoxiao looks at Chen Feng's dark eyes, as if there is a kind of attraction, let her have the feeling of irresistible.

Although Chen Feng is not very handsome, he is also a handsome young man with a handsome eye. The charm from the inside out is so wonderful and attractive.

The so-called people rely on clothes and horses to lean on saddles is just some nonsense in front of this young man.

Even if some people wear dragon robes, they don't look like the prince. Even though some people wear ordinary costumes, their eyebrows, eyes, and laughter, all give people an indescribable temperament.

Chen Feng gently smile, way: "no, I'm just curious, you come to me, is it the same as Qian Zhongyue?"

Yan Xiaoxiao was surprised. She looked at Chen Feng and said, "you already know?"

"I don't know what you're here for. I just want to go to the Sanbao hall for everything. With your family background, maybe it's the same purpose as Qian Zhongyue."

Yan Xiaoxiao is a member of the fourth generation military family in Nanshan, and they also said that she was a special forces unit. If Qian Zhongyue wanted to find himself, it would be difficult for Yan Xiaoxiao to be the same?

However, he was not sure that there was a relationship between the army and the Qian family, but what about the Yan family?

According to the truth, the force of junmen is in Yanjing, which belongs to the central war zone and is not under the same jurisdiction as the southern side.

Yan Xiaoxiao's eyes were suddenly sharp, staring at Chen Feng and asking, "what's the purpose of General Qian looking for you?"

Chen Feng heart a smile, this woman, unexpectedly want to set their own words, but he also does not care, light way: "I only know that the money family and the military door have a little relationship, do not know is not you want to know the answer?"

Hearing the speech, Yan Xiaoxiao's face moved slightly and his eyes flashed with a strange look. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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