Yan Xiaoxiao looks suspicious in her eyes.

"Strictly speaking, military door is a powerful military department organization, not belonging to the military. They are closely related to Qian family, but our strict family has no relationship with military door."

Yan Xiaoxiao turned and looked at Chen Feng and said, "I didn't expect that master Chen in the East China Sea, you, Doctor Chen, and the man from Yang's family, are you."

Chen Feng smiled with a deep meaning and said, "what you do in your homework is really enough."

These things, as long as the heart of the search, with some means will not be difficult to find.

It is not difficult to find out the situation of Nanshan Yan family.

"I'm sorry I went down to check you privately because it's important for us." Yan Xiaoxiao appears to be dignified.

Chen Feng shrugged, and immediately smiled at Yan Xiaoxiao and said, "no harm, you have no malice. If it is my enemy, with my present character, I am afraid I will" do things. "

So, Yan Xiaoxiao suddenly changed his face and suddenly raised a kind of vigilance.

Chen Feng's smile, and what he said, proud to rush into the sky, seems to be life as a mustard like posture, which let Yan Xiaoxiao start to reassess Chen Feng.

Chen Feng suddenly laughed and said, "you are joking. My friend is still the enemy. I can tell. Let's go to see the mountain and say it."

Yan Xiaoxiao relaxed his voice, but he seemed to see Chen Feng three points higher.

I'm afraid that such a young man, even his parents, do not know his true identity, and he even hides so well.

The key is, how can such a person be in such a normal family?

Talk and laugh, the sparrow is in the ashes!

That kind of calm and calm, than Yan Xiaoxiao had seen did not know the star in the military, the son of the famous family, the rich and so on.

Such a powerful man killed shaohefeng disciple Tong Li, who served the gods in the East China Sea, just like killing chickens and getting eggs.

In Yang's family, Yang Sheng, who defeated the second largest chemical industry, can see that his force has reached a very high level.

"Mr. Chen..."

"Call me Chen Feng."

Yan Xiaoxiao nodded and did not turn around and said, "the East China Sea is headed by you, plus your strength in Yang's house, what I want to ask is, have you reached the martial arts master? "

Yes, Yan Xiaoxiao has been thinking about this problem since she investigated Chen Feng's affairs.

Martial arts, the martial arts master, has been extremely divine and has the power of unpredictable. Such forces have long been unaware of how many people surpass the martial arts and can avoid bullets more.

Chen Feng smiled: "Miss Yan's evaluation of me is really high, I do have some strength, but it is not at that level."

Yan Xiaoxiao suddenly showed some disappointment in his eyebrows, but Chen Feng was surprised by the next word.

"Although I have not reached the realm of martial Taoism, but the martial arts master has come, I can not die."

Yan Xiaoxiao frowned, and martial arts master could not die?

She was obviously confused about Chen Feng's strength, but she didn't believe it very much. Finally, she shook her head.

What is the martial clan teacher is in her heart is very clear, did not reach the realm of martial Taoism master, only be killed in the realm of creation.

Even if it is the seven martial arts in the construction of the border, facing the martial arts and Taoism master, only waiting for death!

Seeing Yan Xiaoxiao's eyes showing disbelief, and a slightly disappointed look, Chen Feng also did not care, of course he would not explain.

Strictly speaking, he is a practitioner, and the spiritual power of the cultivation is a higher level than that of martial arts, and he is the most authentic one.

What about the middle of the refining environment? Even if the seven weapons in the state of the construction, it is difficult to fight in front of him.

And facing martial arts master, that powerful force will certainly kill Chen Feng?

Not necessarily, not tried, how to know?

Yan Xiaoxiao swept away the disappointment in her eyes, and she still felt respected for Chen Feng's force.

"Chen Feng, I came here not to ask you to join our war zone, but actually I want to invite you to be our shadow hunting instructor!"

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