Yan Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Feng and solemnly said, "the master is as proud as zhusong. He can't be a drillmaster. As a matter of fact, I have inquired that in Yanjing, there are very few such young warriors as you in the realm of nature. Even Tong Li, an overseas master, has been killed by you. It can be seen that your master is absolutely not simple. He is even more powerful than shaohefeng. If hunting shadow can practice martial arts under your guidance, then I think it is definitely beneficial and harmless to them. "

"Moreover, for the position of drillmaster, you only train their basic introduction, and you don't need to worry about anything else."

Chen Feng said with a smile: "so it is. You are interested in my school's martial arts cultivation method."

How advanced is Chen Feng's cultivation of martial arts?

As long as the authentic Yang's Taijiquan is spread out, with his own guidance, combined with the Taoist cultivation method, then the internal strength of the body is absolutely thousands of miles.

Even if you don't use Taijiquan, Chen Feng still has the Bagua palm from Shen Wenhai!

Either of these two internal boxing can cultivate the top internal strength.

What special forces are vulnerable to attack in front of the internal force fighters.

If the special forces are the development of human extreme combat, strength and other skills, then the martial arts practitioners with internal strength are at least two levels higher than the special forces.

"It seems that Miss Yan's mind is very good! Then you should also know that since my martial arts cultivation method is inherited by my school, you can imagine how precious it is. " Chen Feng is still smiling.

Yan Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and said, "I know, so if you have any requirements, you can ask for them, and we will help you complete everything we can."

"Any conditions are OK?" Chen Feng murmured to himself.

Yan Xiaoxiao looks forward to Chen Feng.

Although Chen Feng is not a martial arts master, if there is such a strong warrior, their body strength will definitely go up to a higher level, and then they can win a good place in the next competition.

Therefore, as long as Chen Feng puts forward the conditions, they will try their best to meet them.

Who knows, Chen Feng unexpectedly way: "excuse me, I have no interest."


Yan Xiaoxiao was stunned, and immediately his eyes were a little angry. After saying so much, he felt like playing with himself.

She thought that Chen Feng's attitude was ready to agree.

"Chen Feng, any conditions are allowed, do you really not consider it?" Yan Xiaoxiao frowned and tried to calm himself down.

Chen Feng leaned on the rattan chair and said, "first, I don't lack money; second, I have strength and I can protect the people around me; third, all rights and status of the secular world are not attractive to me. You say, why do I have to go with you to train your troops? If I had the time, I might as well use it to improve my own strength? "

Yan Xiaoxiao was finally worried. She said, "but do you know that you are not only doing this for yourself? If we are strong, we will protect the security of the south! Don't you think that if you become famous, all the provinces in the South will be dominated by you? Do you want your family, friends, and parents to live in dire straits? "

"Chen Feng, I know that you are very strong and have a wide range of contacts, but your own background is too weak. At least in the south, you don't have any network power. Now you don't have any worries. What if three, five, ten years later? Who knows what will happen in the future? "

Chen Feng moved in his heart and suddenly took a deep look at Yan Xiaoxiao, but only for a moment Chen Feng was touched. After a long time, he still regained his calm look and said, "you go back."

Yan Xiaoxiao was stunned. Soon her face was cold.

But she did not speak. She stood up with some determination in her eyes. She looked at Chen Feng from top to bottom and said, "Chen Feng, you will promise me."

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