Yan Xiaoxiao left. Chen Feng leaned on the rattan chair, carefree, but with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Yes, he did have a moment when he was moved.

He has improved now, but he has always lived in the real world.

Relatives, friends and parents are his concerns.

How can Chen Feng not know that with the improvement of his strength, the level of characters he contacts will be higher and higher.

From a distance, shaohefeng is one. Now his eldest disciple, Xing Zhifei, has come to China. He doesn't know where he is lurking, waiting to find his revenge.

Yanjing's army gate is one. He has a grudge against Hua Yuan, and even the general holds a grudge against himself.

There is also a Tang clan that appears and disappears.

In addition to these, the underground Ninja family of Toyo is a need to consider.

He is now temporarily safe. That is now. In Yan Xiaoxiao's words, what about the future?

Are you happy and carefree, ignoring the people around you?

People living in society, there will be countless fetters, but these in front of Chen Feng, what is the problem?

The answer is No.

"Right status? What is all this, in the face of strength? "

"When I get to martial arts master, I will not be afraid of swords, guns and guns. Who can handle me?"

"If we reach a higher level and fly away from the earth, I can roam everywhere with the greatness of heaven and earth. How can I be bound by the simple secular rules?"

Chen Feng immediately closed his eyes to keep fit and did not think about it any more.

He has always been a soldier to cover up the water. He was and will be.

However, Chen Feng seems to forget that he can ignore secular rules, but almost all people in the world can not.


On the other side, a certain vehicle flew into the first-class cabin of Yanjing. At this time, Qian Zhongyue and a young man like hawk Falcon were beside him.

After the dinner that night, Qian Zhongyue did not just leave, but went to several places.

"Unexpectedly, none of Nanshan is qualified." The pony is a little discontented.

Qian Zhongyue was calm as Mount Tai, and said faintly, "it doesn't matter. Our" blood blade "is strong enough. If we can find the right person to join us this time, it will be icing on the cake."

The pony's eyes were sharp, and he said: "I've seen these guys. The one with the best physical quality is the boy named Chen Feng. However, he's too disrespectful. When General Qian gets off the plane, he's the first one to look for him. He's ungrateful."

Referring to Chen Feng, Qian Zhongyue's eyes flashed a cold light, but soon disappeared.

"Chen Feng is a sapling, or he can defeat the second division of the world of nature by practicing Xu and he Dao. This is what I like about him. But who can join us in the blood blade? He is ungrateful, and we don't need to pay attention to him. Some people will regret their choice eventually. "

The little horse listened, with a sneer on his face, and no longer thought about it.

They are proud of their blood blade. They are all elites among the elite. It is the honor of anyone to join the blood blade.

However, there are some people in the world who do not appreciate it and miss such a good opportunity.

"By the way, General Qian..."

"There's no one else here. Call me uncle."

"Yes, uncle Qian," the pony nodded. "I heard that the" male lions "in the western war zone also began to look for strange talents everywhere. They must be revenge this time."

"Oh? Is that the case? " Qian Zhongyue's eyebrows raised, as if he did not agree.

The pony said with a faint smile: "but in my opinion, although they are the second place, they are so far behind us. Even if how to recruit and buy horses, it will not help."

Qian Zhongyue said in a deep voice: "pony, you can't underestimate anyone! If you are proud, you will be defeated. Didn't I teach you? "

The pony's face changed slightly. He sat upright and said solemnly: "yes! Uncle Qian, I was wrong. "

"But..." Qian Zhongyue's face turned to be arrogant and indifferent. "Blood blade has been ranked first for eight consecutive years, and the gap with other theater troops is growing. Don't give them one year. Even if we give them ten years, we can't catch up with us. This is the inside story of our blood blade. No one can challenge us successfully."


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