"Who is it?"

Subconsciously, Zhang Qiuyi was stunned, but did not show any vigilance, because she thought it was her colleague.

But at this moment, a white figure came in.

"Who are you?"

Finally, Zhang Qiuyi's face changed greatly. As a police officer, she immediately took out the pistol on her waist.

But who knows, her gun hasn't been pulled out yet, only the shadow is flickering, the gun in her hand is missing!

Zhang Qiuyi's face suddenly turned white. At this time, she also saw that the comer was a handsome young man.

"How could..."

Who is this man, not Xing Zhifei?

There are people on duty in the police station, but she is not the only one. At least there are people at the door!

How did this guy get in here!?

What's more, it's no ordinary person to take away the speed of his own gun just now!

Xing Zhifei threw the pistol that he had snatched away. He looked at Zhang Qiuyi lightly and said, "who is Chen Feng?"

He is looking for Chen Feng!

Zhang Qiuyi knew that Chen Feng's skill was extraordinary, but she did not expect to meet such a skilled person.

However, as a new star in the police field, she tried to keep herself calm, and she could see that this person could not be an ordinary person at all.

Are you looking for Chen Feng?

No, I can't tell him.

Zhang Qiuyi said coldly: "Chen Feng is mine, who has nothing to do with you? Who the hell are you and what are you doing in our police station? "

"There's a guy with a sense of righteousness, but I don't think it's loyalty, it's love?" Xing Zhifei is meaningful.

Zhang Qiuyi frowned at the smell of speech, but it is undeniable that she is more than just for Chen Feng.

"But Chen Feng killed my younger brother. How can I punish his lover?"

Zhang Qiuyi's face changed. Did Chen Feng kill someone?

How could this be so

Just between Zhang Qiuyi's surprise, all of a sudden, Xing Zhifei stepped forward and his palm was printed on Zhang Qiuyi's shoulder.

Zhang Qiuyi's face turned white. Although she was a new star in the police force, she was also agile, but this person's action was too fast.

She felt only a heavy blow to her shoulder, even though she was spinning away.

For a moment, Zhang Qiuyi only felt that she was shivering all over her body.

Unconsciously, her original white skin, suddenly began to change color, a deep wax yellow color began to emerge.

At the same time, Zhang Qiuyi felt that the whole person was full of a kind of weakness and weakness.

"One of you is my bloody palm. Even if a cow is touched by me, it will be as thin as wood in a week, and die of thin body in a month. This blood sucking Qi will slowly engulf your internal organs, blood essence and bone marrow. In the end, your body will become shriveled and shriveled, and finally become a dry corpse. " Xing Zhifei said so calmly, without any expression fluctuation.

After hearing this, Zhang Qiuyi's face suddenly changed. But she just wanted to pick up the phone and found that she didn't even have the extra strength. The whole person was lying on the table, looking at Xing Zhifei with a trace of prayer in her eyes. She said weakly, "don't go to Chen Feng. What can I do for you..."

"Ha ha, it's really a blessing for Chen Feng to have this daughter. It's a pity that he has to die to pay off his life and debt."

Xing Zhifei turned around and left a sentence: "I'm not afraid to tell you that even if the president of the overseas medical association comes, he will not be able to cure you. Only let Chen Feng come to see me. Maybe I can be merciful and save your life."

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