Originally arrived at 12 o'clock when the shift was over, but Xiao Li of the detachment found that Zhang Qiuyi had not come down for a long time. When he came to the office, his face suddenly changed.

"Team Zhang!"

He immediately helped Zhang Qiuyi up, but at a glance, his face changed.

Zhang Qiuyi's whole face is very pale, the original tight white skin turned into a kind of wax yellow color.

"Team Zhang, what's wrong with you? Come on Xiao Li roared.

Zhang Qiuyi said weakly, "I I'm fine, no Don't tell Chen Feng... "

With the last bit of strength, Zhang Qiuyi was in a coma.

By this time, several police officers had already come.

"Go and call an ambulance!" Xiao Li cried out in a hurry.

Everyone immediately lifted Zhang Qiuyi up. Xiao Li was surprised: "don't call him Chen Feng? Consultant Chen? "

Immediately he shook his head and immediately gave first aid to Zhang Qiuyi.


Basically, the most lively Spring Festival is such a few days, followed by the most lively Lantern Festival.

But Lantern Festival is still a long way from the fifth day of the lunar new year.

That night, Chen Feng was meditating. Suddenly, he felt a movement in his heart. Before he closed his eyes, his eyebrows began to wrinkle.

"What's the matter? Is it the same kind of restlessness? "

This kind of restlessness has appeared in several places.

One is that when he is in danger, he has met many times in Shenchuan. This is the art of geomancy, a kind of self vigilance and hint, indicating that there is danger.

The other is that the people around him are in danger, which is Chen Feng's headache.

Because the person who has relations with him, basically his ability of geomancy will be very vague.

Only because he is a caster, he can only know that there is danger, but the concept is very vague, because the geomantic method itself is against the law of heaven, revealing the secrets of heaven.

"Judging from my recent situation, is it Xing Zhifei's danger?"

Thinking of this, Chen Feng thought again, this time it took him three hours, making him sweating and pale before he stopped.

"No, my friends and relatives are not in danger."

Chen Fenggang is staring at the danger of being bitten back, just divination, Qinling city's relatives and friends are not in danger.

"That should be for me." Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but he became calm.

Xing Zhifei's arrival, he is not afraid at all, because sooner or later will come, since already knew, then the soldier will block the water and cover up the earth.

When he thought about this, his mobile phone vibrated. After a look, it was Hua Tuo who came to find him.

"Why? Is it the miracle doctor who has the whereabouts of the doctor? "

Chen Feng's joy was that he opened the dialog box. Before speaking, Hua Tuo sent a series of crying expressions.

Hua Tuo: "cry / cry / look, little brother. Come and help me. I'm almost strangled by the drunkard."

Chen Feng is stunned. It doesn't look like Hua Tuo!

Drunkard? Who is it?

And it's not a doctor's business to listen.

Chen Feng: "miracle doctor, what happened?"

Hua Tuo: "wuna drunkard, I haven't drunk any wine. I've been worrying about whether I have daughter Hong. I said that I was from the spring and Autumn period. I must have collected some good wine for thousands of years. Where can I give him wine! Day and night, I have no heart to study medical skills, and I still live in waste. I'm scared. Please help me

Chen Feng: "the miracle doctor doesn't need to ask for help. If you can help me, you must tell me who it is first."

Hua Tuo: "I don't know the name and surname of this man. I only know that he was a person named Tang Dynasty. He called himself a hermit of Qinglian, and he also said that he was a banished immortal."

Chen Feng is stunned. Is Qinglian a hermit? Banished immortals? Isn't this the drunken and arrogant wine fairy?

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