However, this scene was caught in the eyes of Chen Jinxing and said coldly, "Chen Feng, what a big frame! Don't you say hello to your elders? "

Chen Jinxing said this, of course, is to help so many people present, give Chen Feng pressure.

China is a country of etiquette. Respecting the old and loving the young is the traditional virtue of China, especially in the ancestral hall.

Because they are facing the ancestors, the ancestors of the Chen family.

No matter whether Chen Feng's contacts are very big or not, no matter whether Chen Feng knows any big men in the East China Sea, but in front of his ancestors, Chen Jinxing is Chen Feng's elder, and Chen Feng should call out.

Chen Jinxing, after all, is in a high position all the year round. He is so cold and powerful.

At this time, the villagers who are not far away are more indifferent.

"Chen Yiping's children are really more and more uneducated. In front of their ancestors, they don't even cry when they see their elders."

"That's to say, I think I'm hard on wings after reading a little outside, and now I've forgotten my roots."

"No wonder Chen Yiping and his family will stay here! I think there is a reason. "

Many people are very disappointed with Chen Yiping and his family, especially Chen Feng.

Even the niufu family felt a little strange.

In fact, it's nothing to call. It's polite after all.

And the relationship between the two families is actually quite close.

"Grandfather." Chen Feng called for Chen Hui'an.

Chen Huian smiles and nods: "good, come on, give you a red envelope."

"Thank you

Chen Feng took the red envelope, and did not continue to shout.

Chen Jinxing's face suddenly sank.

Chen Zehui said coldly, "Chen Feng, how can my father say it's all your uncle? In front of the ancestors, are you so ungracious?"

"What do you have to do with my sense of propriety? In what capacity do you speak to me? " Chen Feng said coldly.

Chen Zehui's face turned red and angry, but he could not refute it.

Yes, in addition to being older than Chen Feng, he also has some relationship. What kind of identity does he speak to Chen Feng?

Chen Feng's present position, even Dai Zhongpeng, should be treated with courtesy, let alone him?

"Zehui has no identity. What about me?" Chen Jinxing was furious and cold.

"You?" Chen Feng chuckled, "do you deserve it?"

Do you deserve it?

In a word, Chen Jinxing lost face, and everyone present was stunned.

This Chen Feng, is really too mixed up?

Chen Yiping and his wife were also shocked. They had no idea that their son would talk to an elder like this.


So many people are watching, and they all know Chen Jinxing. Besides, Chen Jinxing is still the chairman of Chen's group!

How could his face be better if he was contradicted by a younger generation?

He was so angry that he slapped him. Chen Feng grabbed Chen Jinxing's wrist and gazed at him. He said coldly, "Chen Jinxing, I said that after that night, we have no relationship. I warn you, don't talk to me with your arrogant identity. You can't afford the consequences! "

In a flash, the venue suddenly vibrated. Chen Jinxing's face suddenly turned pale. Looking at Chen Feng's eyes, he felt as if he was stiff all over, and his back suddenly exploded.

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