Chen Yiping was worried, and immediately called out. Chen Feng came back to his senses and took back the cold, sharp ice in his eyes. Chen Jinxing faltered. Fortunately, with the help of his assistant, he was able to stand still. However, his look at Chen Feng has become a kind of fear.

Yes, it's a fear.

He never thought that a young man, or someone he knew, would become so terrible.

What did he go through these days.

Chen Huian was also shocked by the scene just now. Chen Jinxing is his son, but his heart is thinking of Chen Yiping's family.

He knew that Chen Jinxing was impulsive and wrong at the dinner table. He wanted to make peace between them, but he didn't expect to make such a scene.

Chen Yajing takes a deep breath, sighs in the heart, Chen Feng is still too proud, perhaps, there is no forgiveness for them?

All the people who watched the excitement did not expect that Chen Feng would be so tough that he was not afraid of Chen Jinxing at all.

And what happened to the two families? How did it look like a breakup?

But they hummed in their hearts.

Needless to say, we all know that it must be Chen Feng who caused the trouble.

"Dad, let's go in, Grandpa. Take care of yourself." Chen Feng said, will step in.

At this time, a suit assistant ran over and called, "Mr. Chen, I have news. The buyer said that you can go to nine million yuan in Maotai! I've let it out at your command The man in a suit is very excited.

The villagers were stunned.

"My God, Maotai sells nine million? Why is it so expensive? Isn't it more than 100? " A young man asked.

An old man disdained to say, "those are the newly produced welcome Maotai, right? Maotai, which has been really for decades, can sell millions. In 1935, the bottle of Maotai, which was sold for three or five years, sold for 10 million!

the whole audience was in uproar. They did not expect that Maotai was so expensive.

A villager also came to his senses and said, "Oh, by the way, I saw someone collecting this Maotai in Qinling city yesterday. It seems that the buyer said he would take 11 bottles."

"My God! If each bottle has so much money, wouldn't it be tens of millions of dollars? "

"Yes! I also saw this news on TV. It's really terrible. I heard that this rich man belongs to Qinling people and needs to buy it urgently. If I have it, I will sell it. "

"If you think about the beauty, just 13 years ago, the five million Maotai photographed may not have one bottle in the whole prefecture level city."

"Isn't it going to buy it elsewhere? Eleven bottles! Who is so rich in Qinling? "

Chen jinhaze was very happy to hear the news.

Chen Feng smell speech, light way: "is sold 9 million just."

Chen Yiping was stunned by Chen Feng's words, while others were indifferent.

Sister Feng sneered: "Chen Feng, you should have a self-knowledge to be a person. Even if you are given a lifetime of time, you may not be able to earn a bottle of Maotai money."

"It's just nine million dollars. The money is just like dirt. What do you really think you are?"

Chen Jinxing is a suit, a sneer at Chen Feng, Chen Zehui also disdain a smile.

In terms of contacts, we may not be as good as you, but on wealth, even if you are given a lifetime, you can't have so much money from our Chen group!

We are relying on ourselves, but you are using heresy, your inside information is still too weak, what to compare with us?

The haze of being humiliated by Chen Feng just now was swept away by Chen Jinxing and Chen Zehui.

"Some people, after all, can not reach a certain level." Chen Jinxing sneered and was about to lead the crowd away.

At this time, the distance became lively, and a figure flew over and called --

"brother Feng, I've come together! I've put together your eleven bottles of Maotai! "

As soon as this was said, there was no sound in the room , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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