The whole audience was shocked, and even Chen Jinxing's family was shocked.

Everyone felt as if their ears were wrong.

I saw Xu Zexing running over, completely ignoring Chen Jinxing's existence, excitedly saying, "brother Feng, I've searched many auction houses for the 11 bottles of Maotai you want, and I've found them all at last. It's said that together with today's last bottle, we have collected it with nine million yuan! "


As soon as this speech came out, the villagers all burst into a pot, and almost all the people in the audience were staring at Xu Ze.

Chen Jinxing is totally shocked in the same place.

The nine million bottle? I just made a bottle of nine million!

How could it be? Is it your own bottle?

Immediately, he immediately abandoned the idea, and his face was very disdainful.

Millions, with Chen Feng's worth, how can it be taken out?

This is simply impossible.

Chen Zehui was originally shocked by Xu zegang's words, but he was immediately the same as Chen Jinxing.

"Chen Feng, do you want to make face for yourself on the day of ancestor worship? But you are wrong. Your level is different from ours. By this means, I will only despise you even more. " Chen Zehui looks at Chen Feng's eyes, is still indifferent, has become a kind of disdain.

But soon the villagers all reacted.

"Eleven bottles of Maotai? The regular one, right? What's nine million? It must be bragging. " Feng said, laughing.

"That is to say, although your family is not as rich as those of your own clan, you don't bring such a long story to talk about such a big story."

Niu Dabao in the crowd was also stunned.

Although his head was not turning fast, he could also tell that the eleven bottles of Maotai mentioned by Xu Ze were not as simple as ordinary goods.

But the problem is, he knows that Chen Feng has a KTV, and he has made a lot of contacts in Shenchuan. But if the 11 bottles of Maotai are all that kind of old wine, and the years are more than 70 or 80, wouldn't these 11 bottles be tens of millions?

Where does Chen Feng get so much money?

Even if KTV is sold, it can't be so much money, right?

Chen Yiping was also surprised, but soon his face turned red. He took Chen Feng and said in a low voice: "Maple, don't make trouble. We have to go in and worship our ancestors."

Chen Fengzheng wanted to talk, but Xu Ze couldn't see it for a long time. He scolded sister-in-law Feng's group of people who were not afraid of big things. He said, "ignorant women and children, you even don't know me, so you call me a runaway? Mr. Feng, can you use it to cheat you

Xu Ze is very casual today, but his clothes are very high-end in terms of cutting and cloth. It doesn't look like a common dragon suit.

"Hum, you're not Chen Feng. What's the Dragon suit? How many catties does Chen Yiping's family have Said sister-in-law Feng with a long tongue.

"Young man, I advise you not to be with bad people at a young age, or you will be a bad student." Said some acrid villagers.

Of course, the Chen Jinxing family knows Xu Ze's identity.

And Chen Jinxing father and son also know that Xu Ze is to flatter Chen Feng, but if they use this kind of rotten excuse to attack themselves, it would be ridiculous.

In the face of everyone's criticism of himself, Chen Feng said nothing.

Xu Ze sneered. At this moment, six men in black brought three wooden boxes.

There was an uproar.

"Xu Shao, I've brought all the wine."

For a moment, the villagers were surprised to see this scene. Chen Jinxing's family felt like they were aware of something.

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