Chen Jinxing's family's knowledge is far from that of the villagers in the village. Take a look at these boxes.

Can ordinary Maotai be packed in wooden cases?

"Brother Feng, I just ordered someone to take it back from outside. Let me show you." Xu Ze said.

He said this on purpose to Chen Feng, because Maotai is not known to everyone, and he is not sure whether Chen Feng understands it or not.

Chen Feng doesn't know about wine, but if he takes a look at it, he can see the quality of the wine in Maotai.

Of course, under such a scan of Chen Feng, all are his perspective eyes.

"No need to open the box. It's genuine." Chen Feng said directly.

What he said was an unintentional remark, because Chen Feng already knew the result and didn't want to do useless things. However, some people like to watch the fun.

"Look, I'm afraid I'll be torn apart, so I dare not open the box? It must be those more than 100 yuan, Chen Feng. It seems that your lies will be exposed. " Feng said with a smile.

Other villagers are pointing at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shook his head. He didn't want to be wise with these people at all. But Xu Ze snorted coldly and said, "come on, open the box!"

At his command, the six bodyguards opened all the three boxes, and there were yellow bottles lying in them. The bottles were wrapped in tattered paper, which clearly read -

five star Maotai.

The villagers immediately widened their eyes, and one of the old men exclaimed: "this Isn't this Maotai of 37 years old? At that time, I was young, and I saw it at the village meeting! "

"What?" The faces of the people suddenly changed.

Xu Ze was afraid that they would not believe it. He just picked up a bottle of Maotai and opened the lid.

A kind of mellow and strong wine gas is diffused out, so-called wine fragrance is not afraid of deep alley.

The fragrance is so fragrant that it makes people intoxicated. It is like a poem written by a general surnamed Chen in history --

"Jinling meets again, drinks Maotai, and washes feet in the long march. It's a poem in the south of the Yangtze River

We can imagine how attractive the aroma of Maotai is, especially after decades of aging.

It can be said that everyone was intoxicated. Xu Ze immediately closed it and said coldly: "these three boxes, ten bottles of Maotai, are more than 70 years old. They were bought by brother Feng. They are frogs at the bottom of the well."

Sister Feng and others, who just ridiculed Chen Feng, blushed. They were eager to find a place to get in. Sister Feng's son, who won the scholarship, was also unbelievable.

"Ha ha! I already said that brother Feng made a lot of money outside. You don't believe it! " Daniel clapped his hands and laughed.

For Chen Jinxing's family, they are all stunned in situ. Ordinary people can't see it. Can't they see it?

These three cases and ten bottles are all authentic aged Maotai!

"No, it must not be yours! Chen Feng, you lie! " Chen Jinxing was angry and didn't seem to believe the facts in front of him.

After all, Chen Feng has such a wide network of people, but he bought it for others!

Yes, that's right. It must be. This is definitely not Chen Feng's!

Chen Feng is basically lazy to pay attention to him, and here, there is a man in a black suit running over with a gift box in his hand, but the gift box is old and looks rather shabby.

But seeing the gift box, Chen Jinxing was shocked.

"Xu Shao, I have found the last bottle of Maotai. It was Mr. Chen of Chen's group, eh? Xiao Cao? You are here too , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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