Once again, all the people in the room were petrified, just because Xiao Cao was Chen Jinxing's assistant. He just came to tell Chen Jinxing's bottle of Maotai and sold nine million suits!

If they didn't believe that Maotai was true just now, then everyone did.

Just now, Xiao Cao said a bottle of Maotai! Can't Chen Feng and Chen Jinxing's assistant do this big play?

Suddenly, the man who came to know Chen jinmaotai was pale, but this was the man who knew him.

"Jinxing, isn't this bottle of Maotai in our family..." Chen Huian himself has no bad thoughts, he is simply surprised.

But I didn't expect that his honest words made Chen Jinxing blush. He wanted to find a place to sew in.

"Mr. Chen, this man is the director of the largest auction house in Qinling city." Cao said in a low voice.

And this also confirms that Chen Jinxing's Maotai is a real move.

And this buyer, according to the current situation, nine out of ten is Chen Feng!

This shocked Chen Yiping and his wife.

"Maple You really bought these eleven bottles of wine? " Chen Yiping was completely stunned.

Chen Feng nodded, Chen Feng's reaction, has told everyone the information, but sister-in-law Feng still called: "you said you bought it, you bought it? What evidence do you have? "

"I don't need to prove anything to you." Chen Feng directly came to a sentence.

He is not a young man of high vision. He can't see and explain with ordinary people.

Just now, the man with a nine million Maotai suit frowned and said, "lady, don't you know that all the auction items need real name registration? I'm not afraid to tell you that the buyer who entrusted our auction house is the buyer named Chen Feng. "

The buyer is Chen Feng!

This time, everyone believed it.

The man in the suit of the auction house handed it to Xu Ze with a smile and said, "Xu Ze, I really want to know who Mr. Chen is. Eleven bottles of Maotai! This is the biggest business of our auction house. "

"This is Mr. Chen, Chen Feng." Xu Ze points to Chen Feng.

When the director of the auction house saw Chen Feng so young, he was shocked and immediately said with a smile: "ha ha, Mr. Chen, what a young man's courage! If you need Maotai in the future, our auction house will find it for you

It's really Chen Feng!

For a moment, the venue was as quiet as death, and Chen Jinxing and Chen Zehui were almost black to the soil.

Chen Zehui's whole mind is blank.

Yes, he thought that Chen Feng couldn't get so much money, but now?

Now he bought eleven bottles of Maotai?

Is all this collusion?

No matter how much he takes it for granted, the facts have already explained everything.

"No! Chen Feng, I don't believe you have so much money! " Chen Zehui roared angrily.

One blow after another, he thought his family could be proud of Chen Feng in terms of financial resources, but again and again, Chen Zehui was hit, it is self-evident.

Chen Feng shook his head and snorted coldly: "Chen Zehui, with your eyes and mind, you can only do this all your life."

Immediately he did not want to pay attention to Chen Jinxing's family and asked Xu Ze, "how much is the total? To tell the truth. "

Xu zegang wanted to make a false report on the number, but his face was stiff. He puffed out: "not much. Eleven bottles of Maotai, 85 million."

Suddenly, the site was bombed by a deep-sea bomb, and there was a big uproar

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