Chen Feng took out a hand shining with the same brilliance of black Yao card, Chen Jinxing saw the card, his face was as dead as ashes.

There was a young man in the village who worked outside and went home during the Spring Festival. Seeing this, he exclaimed: "isn't this brick black yaoka? My God, I only read it online! It is said that only the boss of a listed company can be equipped with more than 5 billion yuan! Otherwise, it is impossible to do it at all! "


All the villagers, looking at Chen Feng's eyes are changed, everyone's mind is.

How could he have so much money?

He's just a student!

What exactly did he do outside?

Is he rich, too?

Yes, Chen Zehui's brain was like a bolt from the blue when he saw the card.

If we say that Chen Zehui relies on the shares of Chen's group, his value is more than one billion yuan.

But take a look at Chen Feng, who has no background, but has so much wealth, and the means and contacts are still against the weather. All in all, Chen Zehui has been completely in a state of complete failure.

Over time, is it not easy to make money with such contacts?

He Who on earth is

Chen Feng only frowned. Of course, he didn't know that the card was so valuable, and it was only 500 million yuan.

Even Xu Ze is stunned, although he knows that Chen Feng's connections are extraordinary, but now have a look?

Listed boss is qualified to be equipped with masonry card!

Chen Feng handed over the card to Xu Ze and said, "take it yourself. I will tell fan Zhihong about your group resort."

The director of the auction house was stunned. He murmured: "fan Zhihong? Isn't that the big guy of the trade group in the three northern provinces? Mr. Chen Mr. Chen... "

Then, the head of the auction house screamed, "I remember, I was there, Mr. Chen. You are Mr. Chen at the donation dinner party!"


The people on the scene suddenly felt that their heads were blown open by the Shenshui bomb.

Now the Internet and electronic information are so developed. Although the village is relatively backward in the city, the living standard in the rural area does not want to be cultivated by slash and burn.

For the previous uproar, Qinling City donation dinner, whether television, the Internet, or any media, they have more or less heard.

"My God, brother Feng, brother Feng is the miracle doctor who cured Pang Shan's illness?" Daniel's eyes are as big as brass bells.

Niu Fu was also stunned and murmured to himself, "that day, a Feng went to see me, but a few disappeared. Did he go to see a doctor for Pang Shan Ren?"

"The three big men in the East China Sea are headed by Mr. Chen, and they also donate 410 million in the name of Mr. Chen, which This is Chen Feng? "

"Is he Mr. Chen who asked the general of the central theater to bow down to recruit him, and finally refused?"

"Is he from our village?"

A piece of information, as if bright red words appear in their minds.

Unconsciously, they look at Chen Feng's eyes, unexpectedly become tall.

Chen Feng ignored them. He took the last bottle of nine million Maotai and handed it to Chen Yiping, saying, "Dad, this bottle of wine will be given to you."

If there is a crack in the ground now, immersion will definitely get into it. It is his Maotai!

Now it fell on the people he always looked down on!

Chen Yiping is completely in the same place. Although Chen's mother is shocked, her face is excited.


Chen Feng light a smile, way: "since then, Qinling, only I Chen family!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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