"Chen Feng! You don't want to talk a lot. Qinling City, Chen family is us Chen Jinxing roared, "let's go!"

Chen Huian's whole old face is full of shock. He didn't expect Chen Feng to have such an achievement.

Although he was reluctant to part with him, he still said hello to Chen Yiping and they followed him.

Chen Yajing has always seen this scene in her eyes. To tell the truth, although she has already had an early warning in her heart for all this, when she really saw it, she still restrained and sighed.

In her eyes, Chen Feng is no longer the headstrong youth, nor the bloody little fart child. Chen Feng is really superior to all of them in Chen's group, and even Chen Jinxing can only look up to him.

As for Chen Zehui, his gloomy face is almost close to the soil.

He completely lost, perhaps from now on, he has no face to face Chen Feng.

After the farce was over, the villagers scattered one after another. Of course, people like Sister Feng who could not see other people's good would just like to leave, leaving only Niu Fu's family.

"Ha ha! Yiping, you Chen family, this is to produce a big man! "

Chen Yiping still does not believe that all this is true, but the fact is in front of him.

At the end of ancestor worship, ten bottles of wine naturally moved back to Chen Feng's home.

After Chen Yiping went back, of course, he had been dragging Chen Feng to ask about this and that. Chen Feng was not vague, and had already thought of a good excuse.

"Mom and Dad, don't you know that I study medicine? Mother's disease or I cured it! It was in Yanjing that I saved a great man who gave me so much money in return for my salvation. That card is only 100 million yuan. " Chen Feng said lightly.

However, Chen Yiping and his wife still feel fantastic and full of horror.

For them, 100 million and 5 billion are the same. They are astronomical numbers.

"You really didn't steal it?" Chen's mother stares at Chen Feng and asks in disbelief.

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said, "please, if I can invest 100 million, will I go home? I've been abroad for a long time

Chen Yiping and his wife are right to think so.

How can such a large amount of money easily escape the police's tracking?

"But how can you know so many people after curing a big man? Even the generals of Yanjing want you to be a special soldier? " Chen Yiping asked again.

"That big man is the general! Those big men in the East China Sea are under the general. " Chen Feng felt that he couldn't make it up.

"Well, don't doubt it! I didn't steal or rob. I was willingly given the money. And your dad, this wine can't be lost! You've lost a bottle of five million If Chen Feng has meaning ground to say.

"What?! Yiping, the missing bottle of Maotai you said is worth 5 million yuan? You Why don't you say... " Chen's mother's eyes are about to pop out.

The couple immediately entangled up, Chen Feng immediately was excused, immediately went into the room.

"Fortunately, I got rid of them. I have to send wine to Jiuxian as soon as possible."

Chen Feng replied with a message: "Li Jiuxian, I'm here to deliver wine!"

"Color / color / expression. Really? Quick, quick, quick

Chen Feng moved a year, three cases of wine, ten bottles of Maotai worth 80 million, all disappeared, into the screen.

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