Half a month has passed. According to the speed of information dissemination in the market, in the eyes of all martial arts practitioners, as long as it has something to do with this circle, it is almost impossible for them not to know about it.

Xing Zhifei is so powerful that there is no rival under the master. His fist and foot show a master's demeanor in it.

The mountain falls like a mountain.

The so-called master a hand, you know whether there is.

The most precious thing in China is the mental skill of boxing, which is very precious in the southern martial arts and Taoism circles.

In addition, Xing Zhifei is a disciple of shaohefeng, one of the three great masters of the overseas youth gang. He has learned the true story of shaohefeng.

"It seems that Xing Zhifei is only 30 years old? It's terrible. I'm half a master before I'm 30 years old. I heard that it's a little better than shaohefeng. " Some veterans who had already heard of shaohefeng's fame in Wan Island sighed.

"When I went to visit my relatives on WAN Island, shaohefeng had already stepped into the martial arts master level in his thirties. According to this trend, within a year, Xing Zhifei could surpass shaohefeng's reputation."

"Xing Zhifei is the eldest disciple of Shao Hefeng, and his realm has not reached the real martial master. However, even if the martial arts master in China meets him, he may not be able to kill him."

"Xing Zhifei is so terrible. What about shaohefeng? He should be fifty now, isn't he? After twenty years, to what extent has he reached? "

All the martial arts practitioners in the south are filled with awe. They can't imagine and dare not think about it.

Offending a martial arts master is definitely a kind of death seeking behavior.

"After half a month, why hasn't master Chen come? Is it hard for him to be afraid? " Many of them shook their heads and sighed.

They didn't expect it at all. After all, judging from the underground leibi in Donghai, no matter how strong master Chen was, he was just a newcomer.

Xing Zhifei here "openly" revenge for his younger martial brother, which seems to be a bit of a chicken with a knife.

More good people just want to see what kind of background and person Master Chen is.

After all, even the second disciples of Shao Hefeng dare to kill them. Such people are either hot headed, or they want to die, or they have a big background behind them.


"Hasn't Chen Feng gone down yet?"

At this time, pingweng County minglan group resort, Zhang Yiping anxiously asked.

Zhang Yiping's face was originally extremely majestic. In one face, because he had been running in Shenchuan and Qinling Mountains for more than half a month, his face was haggard, and the whole person looked like he was 20 years old.

More than half a month, since he knew that his daughter Zhang Qiuyi had an unexplained disease, Zhang Yiping used all his relations to invite the most famous doctor in the country. However, his daughter was thinning day by day, with yellow skin and slow heart rate.

Zhang Yiping is outside the circle, but he has seen Chen Feng's geomantic fortune telling.

He himself is a man who believes in science. Of course, he doesn't believe in the gods and ghosts. But Chen Feng's only criticism for his life at that time was really successful.

At that time, Chen Feng asked Zhang Yiping not to go out for a month. He didn't expect that a big event happened in that month. Fortunately, he took a vacation. Otherwise, it was he who took the responsibility!

He didn't know why his daughter believed Chen Feng so much. He even knew that according to police officer Xiao Li, even before she was unconscious, Zhang Qiuyi said not to tell Chen Feng!

As a father, he certainly knows what kind of affection Zhang Qiuyi has for Chen Feng. Because of this, his intuition tells Zhang Yiping that maybe only Chen Feng can save Zhang Qiuyi's life!

"Zhang Ju, I'm sorry. It's too dangerous to go up the mountain without Mr. Chen's instructions." Xu Mingzhi some hiss said.

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