Zhang Yiping was a director in other places, but I heard that he was transferred from Shenzhen in the early years. When Xu Mingzhi first went to Shenzhen, he had a close relationship with Zhang Yiping.

For this young Mr. Chen, Xu Mingzhi is naturally filled with surprise and gratitude.

Especially at the donation party that day, he regretted that he didn't come. He knew how shocking the scene came when he thought about it.

The three big men from the East China Sea are here. Even a five star general on his shoulder has come!

And that day later, the upper class of Qinling city was spreading this matter.

Before the donation dinner, Xu did not believe Xu Ze's evaluation of Chen Feng.

Fan Chen should be afraid of him three points. Fan Zhihong should give him face. But half a month ago, fanzhihong's group invested billions of huge amounts of investment directly. Xumingzhi knew that he would probably be linked to this Mr. Chen for the rest of his life.

So, Chen Feng was surprised when he entered the west mountain forest and could not be disturbed.

But xumingzhi finally heard about the underground challenge arena in the East China Sea from Xu Ze's mouth. When he knew that Chen Feng's means were so terrible, he could only act according to Chen Feng's orders.

It seems that this most half a month did not sleep well, Zhang Yiping eyes are full of blood red blood.

"Mingzhi, we finally met each other. The doctor said my daughter couldn't survive for three days!" Zhang Yiping has sipped tears in his eyes.

Why didn't he want to go back to Shenzhen Sichuan to accompany Zhang Qiuyi?

But seeing Zhang Qiuyi's thin and withered appearance, he felt more pain in his heart.

Zhang Qiuyi has been in the intensive care unit of the best hospital in Shenzhen Sichuan. The doctors are on guard for 24 hours. Every ten minutes, he will return a bad news. If Zhang Yiping is not in high position for a long time, he may have already collapsed at this time.

In addition to xumingzhi's father and son, Zhang Yiping, there are four people who xumingzhi looks up to, such as Susheng, fanzhihong, gaozhaojie and Mr. le.

The four people looked at each other, and they were anxious and sad.

Others don't know what xingzhifei is coming from, but they know!

Xingzhifei is here to kill Chen Feng!

They are anxious that xingzhifei has killed the door, and has been successfully challenged in the southern martial arts and Taoism circles. It is also clear that he came to kill Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng still hasn't come down the mountain!

And sad is, they are also parents, of course understand Zhang Yiping's current mood.

Zhang Yiping is an ordinary person after all, do not know these things of Chen Feng, now because of Chen Feng, also involved an innocent woman.

The four men went to one side, Mr. Le said: "master Chen must be practicing in the closed door. I heard that all the following Southern masters were defeated by xingzhifei."

"Is this xingzhifei so powerful? How much better is he than the last master Chen? " Asked fan.

Mr. Le took a deep breath and said: "last time master Chen was just practicing the virtual and combining Tao, which can only be called Master Wu Dao. After master Wudao, there are seven martial arts in the field of construction. Xingzhifei is more powerful than the martial arts! Say white point, xingzhifei now, meet the original master Chen, a finger can kill master Chen! "

"What!?" The faces of the three big men changed rapidly.

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