If this is true, isn't master Chen waiting to die?

The three big men are very worried.

"Don't worry so much. Last time I found that master Chen's breath is as deep as the sea. If I guess right, he has already reached the level of five levels of martial arts. In addition, he may have a battle with Xing Zhifei."

In this way, the three big men are temporarily relaxed.

They are not in the circle, but because of their status, they know the horror of these martial arts practitioners.

If Chen Feng has something to do, they will lose the leader in the East China Sea. In addition, not long ago, Chen Feng also promised to help them solve the problem of pirates.

Among the three big men, Su Sheng and Chen Feng had the most contact. He took a deep breath and said, "at this time, we must trust master Chen. Of course, we can only trust master Chen."

Su Shengyue numerous people, for Chen Feng this young man, he is very appreciative, and admire.

A 20-year-old freshman, regardless of confidence, courage, or that kind of supernatural means, all let him from ignore to look up to the status of Chen Feng.

That kind of self-confidence, eyes deep like stars like eyes, give people the feeling that as long as you promise things, you will never be careless.

"But now the problem is, I don't know when master Chen will go down the mountain." Gao Zhaojie said anxiously.

Fan Zhihong said in a deep voice: "yes, if Xing Zhifei gets mad, we have no idea what kind of things he will do."

Zhang Yiping over there has received another short message, the content of which is naturally that Zhang Qiuyi's condition has deteriorated again.

Zhang Yiping gave a miserable smile to himself and murmured: "Chen Feng, I've wronged my daughter to treat you so much. Even if she's going to die, she's going to die for you. What about you now? Do you want to hide in the mountains to be a shrinking turtle

Zhang Yiping has been waiting here for a week. He knows that Chen Feng is extraordinary and not an ordinary person. However, he knows more that what his daughter needs at this time is his company.

He has no time and energy to find out why his daughter's illness has something to do with Chen Feng.

Perhaps the fate here, has been doomed to Zhang Qiuyi can not escape this disaster.

"Qiuyi, it's your fault that you love someone who is not worth your life..."

Zhang Yiping's sad smile made Xu Mingzhi and his son sigh.

Just when Zhang Yiping just turned around, at this moment, a fierce hissing voice suddenly rang out on the mountain top in the distance.

Everyone was surprised and looked at the top of the mountain.

"What's going on What kind of animal's cry is that? " Everyone present was taken aback.

"Aren't there only those big snakes in the mountain? Just that sound It's hundreds of meters away from here Xu Ze is also stunned, can not help but retreat several steps.

It is said that there are many big snakes on the mountain, and they even eat people, which makes the villages move down the mountain one after another, and no one dares to go up the mountain.

But Chen Feng said he wanted to go to the mountain for a retreat. Isn't this a joke about his own life?

But Chen Feng's words, Xu Ze dare not not not, Xu Mingzhi more can not do not.

"Mr. Fan, shall we send someone to look for Mr. Chen..." Xu Mingzhi said anxiously to fan Zhihong.

Fan Zhihong is his rich man, and this resort is jointly developed by them.

And at this time, a strange scene appeared, only to hear a huge sound of breaking wind from the mountain forest far away.


A blue air force, straight into the sky, obliquely is toward the sky through, a distant look, even several tens of meters long.

"Ha ha, the long song flying rainbow has finally become a great success. Under the master, only I am the first!"

The spirit disappeared, and a figure came slowly, unrestrained and energetic.


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