Zhang Qiuyi was shivering all over her body. Although she had no strength to speak, she could still hear what Chen Feng said.

But it's a pity that if you are in this situation, can you survive?

CHEN Feng's mood has calmed down and calmly said: "you are really stupid. No matter how you become, you are you, and no one can replace you."

Listening to this, Zhang Qiuyi was shocked again and her tears were flooding.

"Chen Chen Feng... "

"I said, I won't let you die. Even if you die, I will save you. I promise you, I will make you free from disease and pain."

Chen Feng does not need to pulse, his sky eye has already found that Zhang Qiuyi's injured part is the shoulder, where there is a piece of black blood.

"Is this the so-called blood sucking palm?" Chen Feng's eyes are awe inspiring.

Xing Zhifei absorbed Zhang Qiuyi's life Qi and blood by virtue of the palm print attached to Zhang Qiuyi's body, which made Zhang Qiuyi look like this.

Now the key is detoxification.

Chen Feng helped Zhang Qiuyi up and immediately put his palm on her dry back.

As he moved in his heart, his spiritual power seemed to rush to the sea, which was to urge Zhang Qiuyi's body, and then it turned into a huge net, which impacted on Zhang Qiuyi's shoulder.

The black toxin almost corroded half of Zhang Qiuyi's bones, and the toxin and thousands of blood vessels spread all over her body.

After the big net encircles these toxins, Chen Feng stuffy hum a, the palm print suddenly back a draw.

He so a draw, directly is to Zhang Qiuyi all over the blood vessels of toxins are to be pumped out.

Then the whole palm of his hand turned black. Yes, the toxin was on his palm.

Only in a few seconds, the black poison spread to his arm.

"Just a little poison, dare to run in my body?"

Chen Feng snorted coldly. He pinched the formula with his left hand. Then he bit his fingers and drew a bloody and strange seal character on his forearm.


The seal script was burning. The red flame turned into a black flame, and then turned into a smoke, which meant leaving.

This is one of the methods of the ghost Valley Taoism, which is specially used to burn those Yin and evil poisons.

Chen Feng left hand gently swept, the dust on the hand also disappeared.

Immediately, Chen Feng gently laid Zhang Qiuyi flat on the bed. Zhang Qiuyi had no toxin in her body, and her Qi and blood were much better. But now she is no longer human. The most important thing is to recover.

Chen Feng's heart move, is to take out three spirit stones from the heaven and earth ring, and then put them respectively on the triangular position beside the bed.

Chen Feng's hands were printed, and then he was saying something. A strange scene appeared. The three spirit stones gave out three blue air currents, which immediately converged on the hospital bed, and then formed a light shield, which completely covered Zhang Qiuyi.

This is a "Qi Qi Ling Mu array" array. It is mainly used to turn aura into vitality and increase people's vitality.

This is what Chen Feng learned these days.

Then Chen Feng took out the ginseng which fan Zhihong had given him for five hundred years, and the flesh and blood leaves he had given him for one year by Hua Tuo.

The blood and flesh leaves can quickly replenish blood. Ginseng is responsible for tonifying the five internal organs and calming the spirit. With these two, together with the Qi Qi Ling Mu array, Zhang Qiuyi can restore the original blood, flesh and bone appearance in three days at the most, or more than a week.

He spread five hundred year old ginseng and blood leaves on Zhang Qiuyi, and the spirit array was slowly releasing their efficacy.

Zhang Qiuyi's shriveled skin, atrophic muscles and lusterless skin began to recover slowly.

She knew that Chen Feng knew how to expel ghosts and divination, but she didn't expect that this scene still shocked her.

Zhang Qiuyi also felt a warm feeling in her body, which was so comfortable and comfortable. Unconsciously, she began to close her eyes.

"You can have a good rest for a few days. I will deal with the next thing."

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