Chen Feng out of the ward, all the doctors and Zhang Yiping and others are looking at Chen Feng nervously.

"Chen Feng Qiu Yi Qiu Yi, she... " Zhang Yiping looks at Chen Feng nervously.

Zhang Qiuyi told him about Chen Feng's extraordinary things. He knew that this young man was not simple, so he put all his hopes on Chen Feng.

"Master Chen You... " Fan Zhihong was surprised.

Yes, they all found that Chen Feng was a little pale.

The director and other doctors are frowning at Chen Feng, they simply do not believe that Chen Feng can turn the tide.

That's equivalent to the living dead, white bone of the medical skills ah!

Actually, how could it be?

Even though they were shocked by Chen Feng's rescue of Pang Haocheng, the word "miracle doctor" could never appear in this young man.

How do they know that Chen Feng is in this state only because of the expelling poison and the array just now, which has consumed almost all of Chen Feng's spiritual power.

Although he was in the middle of Qi refining state, he could only be regarded as a Taoist, and his spiritual power was not much.

He looked at Su Sheng and them and said, "I'm ok. After three days, tell Xing Zhifei that I'll collect his corpse."

Immediately, Chen Feng looked at Zhang Yiping and said, "Uncle Zhang, Qiuyi is OK. She can recover in a week at most. During this period, we should block this ward, and no one can get close to it. Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted."

Finish saying, Chen Feng left, Su Sheng and others immediately follow.

"It's ridiculous. How can there be such a living dead medicine in the world? There are also myths and legends... " A young doctor turned his lips.

The Dean immediately said, "Zhang Ju, don't listen to this kid's nonsense, while there is still time..."

"No! Tell me to go on. No one is allowed to enter the room this week Zhang Yiping took a deep breath and ordered in a deep voice.

The president and others frown. Zhang Yiping believes in a quack!

"Zhang Ju, since you are so resolute, we can only be villains before gentlemen. I must remind you that if there is any consequence at that time, our hospital will not bear the responsibility! " The president's attitude became more serious.

Zhang Yiping weakly waved his hand, and the dean and others sighed. If the patients inside can really live again, this is not only a miracle, but also a myth.

They also stopped persuading. Only Dr. Bi secretly expected: "I wonder if the miracle doctor can recreate the myth this time?"


At this time, a message like a deep-sea bomb suddenly spread from the Shenchuan people's hospital to the entire southern martial arts circle.

"Master Chen finally appeared. He even said that he would let people collect the corpse of Xing Zhifei!"

"Is that arrogant? Perhaps the only one who can kill Xing Zhifei is martial master! Has he reached this level? "

"How could it be? Twenty year old master? In less than half a year, you have reached the master from the practice of combining emptiness and Taoism? Is that impossible? "

"I really don't know the height of heaven and the earth. Doesn't he know that Xing Zhifei is always invincible? Even if it's the six heavy and seven heavy, it can't be his opponent. "

"No matter what, he even dare to speak out. Maybe he has some details. Let's go and see who this master Chen is."

For a moment, people in the southern martial arts circles were almost shocked.

Of course, they were shocked only because of the ability of the "master Chen" who was so blatant that he wanted to have Xing Zhifei's body collected. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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