For migrant workers, although they have been working for a month, they are lazy after the Spring Festival and have holiday syndrome. Even now they have just adjusted.

Shenchuan is the youngest city in the first line of China. Although there is no historical memory here, the high-rise buildings, floors and buildings full of modern flavor, as well as the cultures from all over the country are interwoven here into a mixed cultural atmosphere.

At the beginning of February of the lunar calendar, it is already the spring equinox, and the earth begins to recover. Of course, college students from all over the country have almost started school for half a month.

Shenchuan City, happy valley.

Happy Valley is one of the two scenic spots in Shenchuan, which is a large theme park.

Today is Saturday and Sunday. Song Yuwen is wandering in the scenic area.

The breath of spring has already come. Song Yuwen is wearing a long sleeve dress, which looks clean and lady.

A long brown wave hair, a pair of pink flat shoes, a change from the usual Maple brother, the whole person's make-up is more detailed, in this sunny day more beautiful and moving.

Fashion, modern, pretty, youth, this is the pronoun of song Yuwen.

For Shenchuan, an emerging modern city with beautiful women, song Yuwen still makes a lot of tourists back.

"Oh, don't think about it. That guy just didn't come to school. Maybe he asked for leave and didn't know what to do." Next to the Lengyan moving Cai Bingyan chuckles.

Song Yuwen's face turned red and her eyes turned white. She said, "no!"

"No, look, my face is red. You seem to think about him all the time since the Yang family went home! Take a look at the table. Yu Kaixiang, the male god of our director department, has returned from overseas study. He is handsome and has a good family background. He doesn't know how many beautiful women throw themselves into the arms of several art colleges nearby. He doesn't look at them. He waits for your class every day! You don't like it. "

Cai Bingyan immediately snorted, "as for Chen Feng, what's good about that? I don't want to talk about it when I'm younger than you. In addition to knowing a few people and some martial arts skills, I don't think he can compare with Yu Kaixiang anywhere

That's what she said, but she obviously didn't have much confidence.

On the KTV, on the Yuanfeng international auction house, and on the Yang family, Chen Feng's connections and courage, as well as his kung fu, are really too powerful.

She looked down on Chen Feng, but because she saw the details of Chen Feng, she also converged a lot.

"No matter how powerful he is, but I heard that he was born as a farmer. How can he be? Now, in this society, it's not about people, money and power. And don't you always say that you have to enter an entertainment company on your own? You have strength, Yu Kaixiang can help you! Will you be like a fish in water! Look at Chen Feng. What can he do for you? I know either some black men or some rude Wufu. Even if I know the Tang family, I can't help you any more! "

Cai Bingyan continued to make complaints about it. "And you see, it's been half a month since the school started. You've been to him for several times, and what about him? No news came back. "

After Cai Bingyan said so, song Yuwen seems more powerless to refute.

She doesn't know what Chen Feng feels about him, but these days, she is thinking of Chen Feng all the time.

From the beginning of friends, to despise, misunderstanding, ice over the past, and then to the present indifferent attitude, she is really in a mess.

At this time, several figures also came over. They were Su Rou and Dai Hua, who were classmates in the performance Department of Yanying college.

Dai Hua came over. Cai Bingyan took his hand and said angrily, "Why have you been so long? I don't care. You'll play with me enough later. "

Dai Hua was speechless: "what's so interesting about the amusement park? We've been to Disneyland several times. It's hard to come to Shenchuan during the holiday. Let's go to xiangdao."

"Good!" Cai Bingyan promised to come down. At this moment, Shen Hao ran over with excitement on his face and cried, "don't go to xiangdao. Let's go to the window of the world. There's a good play to watch there." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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