Oakley had been invited into the room by the servant, but Lin Junhao's face changed. He looked at his father in disbelief.

Lin Fulong took a deep breath and faced Lin Junhao in a deep voice: "Junhao, those who have achieved great things should not stick to the details. You and I all know that Chen Feng is not an ordinary person. As far as I know, he is Mr. Chen, who made a lot of noise in Qinling city before. "


Lin Junhao was surprised.

Although Qinling city is a third tier city in Nanshan Province, on the night of the first day of the new year, Pang Haocheng held a donation party, which shocked the whole Nanshan province!

Su Sheng, fan Zhihong, Gao Zhaojie, these three are the big men of the four provinces and cities in the East China Sea, and Jidong province is known as the four provinces and cities in the East China Sea!

In the foreign trade group of Jidong Province, Lin's group is the largest shareholder. Lin Junhao went to leibi in Donghai in person. How could he not know the ability of Su Sheng and others?

The most important thing is that Qian Zhongyue, the Qian family in the central war zone, is here! And I invited Chen Feng in person!

If they were not captured by Chen Feng's force, how could they have been so aggressive?

Then this time Chen Feng killed Xing Zhifei, which made Lin Junhao feel that Chen Feng was too mysterious, just like a mountain in the abyss. He could not see his real height.

"So do you know why I asked European blood to come to protect us?"

As the richest man in Shenchuan, Lin Fulong is in power and has made friends with many high officials and rich salaries. However, he can not bear to live in front of military force, so he looks very pale.

He knows that money is not the most important thing in this world.

Besides power and money, there is something more terrible.

Martial arts practitioners are on the one hand, blood clan is also on the other hand, and he also knows that even in China, there are many mysterious organizations.

These organizations, secretly controlling the fate of all people, these so-called rich people, in their eyes, is not worth mentioning.

Of course, it is undeniable that although Lin Fulong had no military force, he had money, and his money could not be spent even in his ten life.

"Money can make the devil move the mill. Since force can't be bought with money, we can buy Security with money!"

Lin Fulong sneered: "he Chen Feng is fierce, but reality is reality, secular is secular. The reason why they can't run wild in reality is that only people in reality are the main body of the world!"

Lin took a deep breath and agreed.

Martial arts practitioners are so secretive that they are rarely heard from in the secular world. What is the purpose of this?

Just because in reality, almost all of them are ordinary people.

Reality is the society based on ordinary people, and money is the existence above the ordinary reality!

"I'll see if Chen Feng dares to kill us! If he really dares to come, I want him to go forever Lin Fulong said coldly.

After all, he is a big man on both sides. His courage and courage are beyond the ordinary people.

If Chen Feng dares to come, it would be better for him to kill the man, and there will be less to worry about.

"What if he doesn't come?" Lin Junhao's eyes were cold.

"If we don't come, let's not provoke him for the time being. If Oakley is too conspicuous, even we will be implicated. If Chen Feng knows what's good or bad, we may be here for the time being. But if he doesn't know what's good or bad, even if he's ruined, I'll let people take his life! " Lin Fulong said fiercely.

In Shenchuan, he is the highest standing existence, if he really tears his face, He Lin Fulong doesn't mind gambling on everything!


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